Forget Me Not || 14

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[ - joshua hong - ]

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I looked at the time and it's currently 5.30 AM. I forgot to turn this off yesterday oh lord. I am on another day off today so I don't have to wake up this early... I'm gonna take a short nap before preparing some breakfast for both Sophia and I later.

I set the alarm at 7.00 AM and went back to sleep.





The alarm went off and I woke up immediately to look at the time. I turned the alarm off and got off of my bed. I did some stretching before heading to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I'll probably take a bath after cooking

I headed downstairs and straight to the kitchen. Luckily I've done my grocery yesterday so I don't have to worry about not having anything.

I then started to prepare all of the ingredients for breakfast. Since Sophia has been in Canada for almost a year already and this is her first time here, I decided to make non-korean food for her. I mean... Even before she left, she'd always make non-korean food anyways so yeah...

After I finished on cooking and served the meals, I went up to her room. I knocked onto the door for a few times but she didn't answer.

I was contemplating on whether I should open the door or not since it'd be rude of me especially when we've just met after for such a long time AND she literally have no memories of me.

After thinking and thinking I decided to check up on her. I opened the door slowly as I peeked my head between the cracks. She's still sleeping soundly. That's quite odd since she have always been a light sleeper but I guess she's just tired from an 11 hour flight.

I went into her room as I shook her slowly

"Sophia, wake up" I uttered

She then opened her eyes and blinked a few times

"What time is it ?" she asked

I looked at the clock on the wall

"It's 8.30 AM" I replied

"Oh-- Gosh I must've been so tired" said Sophia as she rubbed her eyes

"I've made some breakfast, let's go and eat" I said to her as I offered my hand

She grabbed onto it softly and got off of the bed. We then made our way to the dining room and we started eating the breakfast I've prepared for both of us.

It was really quiet and awkward so I decided to start a small conversation to make it less awkward

"So... How does it feel to be here ?" I asked

"So far so good" she replied

It was then quiet again between us and boy, it was beginning to get even more awkward

"How was it in Canada ?" I asked

"Canada's fine" she replied shortly

Gosh-- Maybe its best to just keep on quiet. It'll be even more awkward if I ask anything. Both of us just ate quietly and peacefully until she suddenly broke the silence

"Sorry if I'm making things awkward,,, I'm not good at conversations,,," said Sophia as she was looking down onto her food

This reminded me of our first dinner together....

"I-it's alright ! I totally understand that" I responded

"Say... How long has it been ever since our marriage...?" she asked

"You could say in about a year and a half" I replied

"I see" she responded

She was then quiet again and I was thinking if I should try asking anything but I don't really want to make anything even more awkward as it already is... Oh god I just want to bury myself in a 10ft pit,,,,

[ - sophia kim - ]

I want to ask about the whole affair and stuffs but... Wouldn't it make everything so awkward ? Like, Jihoon have told me about it and pretty sure Wonwoo and Mingyu didn't know about me knowing about my life before this... If I suddenly ask about this, it'll make everything so so so sooo awkward between Joshua and I...

We've just met for the first time so I shouldn't be asking it out of nowhere right ? Maybe I'll wait until the time's right or when he's the one that'll talk it out with me. I just want to enjoy everything whilst I can now. Who knows, maybe I'd even be able to recall some stuffs during my stay here.

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now