Forget Me Not || 06

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[ - joshua hong - ]

I went back into the meeting room as I sat down, facing my father in law

"Father, I'd like to apologize to you for all of the damages I've done. If you'd want me to divorce her, I'd gladly do it for the sake of her happiness" I said to my father

He let out of a sigh and placed his hand onto my shoulder

"Joshua, the decision is not mine to make. It's hers. We don't know if she wants to stay with you or not and I can't make any decisions for her, especially her in this state" said father

"Aren't you going to tell mother about it ? I mean, doesn't she deserve to know about this ?" I asked

"Are you crazy ? She's gonna send you to the pit of hell if I say a word about it. Let's not talk about this anymore okay ?" father replied and I just nodded

Do I seriously deserve such a chance ?

"Sohyun and I would be going back to check up on her, would you want to tag along ?" he asked

"I'm sorry father, but I couldn't go there yet" I declined his offer

"Why ?" he asked

"I'm sure she'd like to meet you at least" he added

"I don't think my appearance there would help in any ways. I'll wait when the time's right. When she's ready to see me and when I'm ready to see her again" I replied

"If you say so" father responded

"Send my regards to her when you're there" I smiled at him

"Will do" said father

"I think I would have to go now. I have another thing to settle for today. Sohyun would ask me a lot of questions" he chuckled

"Alright. Send my regards to mother too" I said to him

Both of us hugged before we left the meeting room together, acting as if nothing happened. Gotta stay professional after all. I escorted him to his secretary's car and left to my office shortly after.

I then contacted Ella. Surprisingly, she actually answered it

≿----- ❈ -----≾

Hello hello Joshuji ~

Don't call me that Ella

Eh why ? Jeonghan could
so why couldn't I ?

He's my best friend and
you're NOTHING to me.



Anyways, why did you
call me ?

Did you miss me ?

In which pit of hell ?

What in the hell did you tell
my father in law huh ?

Oh so you know ???

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