Forget Me Not || 15

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[ - joshua hong - ]

After some time passes by, the doorbell rang. Must be the boys. I should check it out. Sophia's currently in the bathroom and she's probably getting ready now so I have to go by her room to call her. I head to the main entrance as I opened the door

"Hyung !!!" Soonyoung greeted as he immediately hugged me

"I missed youuuuu" he looked up at me with a pout and glistening eyes which caused me to let out of a chuckle as I pats his head softly

"I missed you too Soonyoung ah" I replied to him

"Kwon Soonyoung, it's early in the morning. Don't cling onto him like a koala" said Jihoon

"It's alright Jihoon" I said as I laughed

"Sorry we couldn't pay you a visit before this. We've been busy" said Hansol

"There's no need to be sorry. After what I've done, honestly I don't think I deserve to be with all of you" I said as I was still patting Soonyoung's head

"Hyung don't say such things !" Soonyoung scolded

"We've forgiven you and you've promised that you've changed right ? That's all that matters now hyung" said Soonyoung

I smiled at his statement. I was so grateful when they've forgiven me. Losing Sophia would be alright, not really, but losing them is something that I really would like to avoid for the rest of my lives.

"Alright alright, let's stop here and come on in. You guys are here to see Sophia right ?" I said to them

Soonyoung let go of me and I step away from the doorway, allowing them to enter. They were really excited to see Sophia. I mean, it's been half a year already right ?? I'm sure they missed her dearly.

"Wait here, I'll go and get her" I said as I went upstairs to her room

I knocked onto the door. There wasn't any response. She's probably in the shower. I guess I'll just leave a text.

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That should do it. I head back downstairs to sit by the boys

"Where is she ?" Hansol asked

"She's probably taking a bath at the moment. She didn't respond when I knocked onto her door" I replied

The three of them nodded, implying that they understood it. We brushed it off and began to catch up with each other. All of us have been very busy so this is the only free time we have so far.

After a few conversations have passed, I then received a text from Sophia.

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"Guys, I'll be back. She's too shy to come down by herself" I said as I got off of the couch

"Alright" the three of them responded in unison.

I headed upstairs and knocked onto her door. She opened it shortly after and got out of her room. She seemed quite nervous. I mean, I'm sure she would be since it's the first time she's meeting them.

I offered my hand to her

"Shall we ?" I asked

She held onto my hand and nodded. I brought her downstairs and the three of them were overjoyed to see Sophia. She let go of my hand as she started fiddling with her fingers.

"There's no need to be nervous Sooyoung" said Jihoon

"Judging from your stance, you're probably going to introduce yourself" Soonyoung laughed

"And of course, there's no need for you to do that Sooyoung" said Hansol

"Th-then-- If you don't mind,,, Can you introduce yourselves to me ???" she asked

"I'm Soonyoung. Kwon Soonyoung" Soonyoung inteoduced himself with a smile

"I'm Hansol. Choi Hansol. You can also call me Vernon if you'd like to" Hansol introduced himself

"It's nice to meet all of you" she bowed to them

"Gosh, this reminded me of our highschool days so badly. Well except, the way we treat you are quite different" Soonyoung laughed

"Eh ?? Different ??" she asked

By the look from her face, she was pretty much curious about what they meant and they told her about it without asking anything. They really are best friends huh. Like, they could already tell what she wants just by looking at her

They didn't hesitate at all to tell her everything that she wants to know. I didn't really talk much with them but I enjoyed listening to their highschool lives with each other. After all, I've already graduated that time so I don't really know much about it. Sophia was really into it.

It's been so long ever since I've seen her like this. I was the reason why she lost this part of her. I'm such a terrible person and I definitely didn't deserved her in any ways.

"Joshua ? Is anything on your mind ?" she asked me and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Oh uh... Yeah, some stuffs" I replied as I scratched the back of my neck as I averted my eyes from her

"What's wrong ???" she asked. The others were looking at me too but I'm sure they knew what I was thinking about

"Well, since she's here already, why don't you just say it hyung ?" said Hansol

"Say what ???" Sophia asked as she was puzzled

I let out of a sigh as I turned to her

"I'm sorry for what I've done to you Sophia" I apologized

"For...?" she tilted her head

I pursed my lips, not knowing if I should tell her or not. It's not that I don't want her to recall her memories, but I really don't want to take away all of the happiness she's feeling now...

Gosh... What should I do...

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now