Forget Me Not || 29

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[ - sophia kim - ]

After I told all of my family members and my friends, all of them were very happy upon hearing that news from me. Since I do not work with Joshua, he asked Jihoon, Soonyoung and Hansol to look after me during my working hour. Such an overprotective husband

It wasn't bad, he was just showing on how concerned he is. After all, I've had miscarriages two times. I'm sure he's just being cautious and didn't want anything bad to happen. I have a good feeling that this time, I'll be able to have a child with him. I just know it

Months and months have passed and everything has been going on so well. The baby's healthy, my relationship with Joshua is also healthy. I'm really happy with what I'm having now. After years and years of struggles and pain, I can finally relax.

"Sophia" Joshua called out to me

"Yes ???" I turned to him

"What would you like to name our child ?" he asked

"Eh ? I should be asking you that question !" I frowned

He then chuckled

"You're the one who's giving birth my love. I'll listen to your suggestions first" said Joshua

"Well uh...." I thought and thought about it and got an idea for a name

"I'd love for her to be called Julia" I said to him

"Well that's a wonderful choice. We'll go by that then !" he smiled brightly

"I can't wait to welcome her into our lives. I'm sure she'll be just as pretty as you my love" said Joshua as he lovingly rubbing my stomach and kissed it gently

"Geez, you're being all cheesy again gentleman" I hit his head

"Ouch ! Don't be aggressive with me for no reason !" he frowned

I laughed as I ruffled his hair

"Don't be sensitive" I said as he then laughed along with me, pulling me into his embrace gently in the process

"I love you" he whispered

"I love you too" I responded

About 2 months have passed, by this time I'm already about 7 months pregnant. Joshua have been taking care of me really well and I appreciate that of him. Though, I've been having these terrible scenarios that kept on playing in my head...

Like, what if I died while giving birth. What if she's not going to make it ? What if she won't be healthy... All of these negative thoughts were disturbing me a lot, especially the first one....

"You seemed stressed. What's wrong ?" Joshua asked

I was hesitant to tell him at first but I did anyways. He lets out of a sigh and reassure me that everything will be alright. But of course, I still felt anxious and scared about that. If I die then... There are a lot of things that I'll leave behind....

Let's just, hope for the best.

That thoughts clouded my mind for weeks and luckily, I began to forget about it gradually. I began to relax more and is really anticipating it since my due date is in a about 2 weeks or so. We've already made preparations for my stay in the hospital.

Days and days have passed before I knew it, it's my due date. Joshua was there, helping me out. The process took a few hours and she made it out alive. I did too but... A part of me didn't think so.

I held my child for the first time. She was so beautiful.

"Welcome to the world Julia..." I said as I kissed her temple softly.

I handed her to Joshua and he gently took her off of my hands. In tears, he was showering Julia with love. Telling her how much he'll protect both Julia and I. I was looking at them fondly, not noticing how blurry my vision has gotten

I heard people in the space panicking. Joshua yelling at me to stay strong but I honestly don't have any energy left to say anything to them. I reached out my hand slowly to him. Though, everything blacked out as soon as my hand touches his


[ - joshua hong - ]

I was just showering loves towards Julia, expressing how happy I was when she's in my arms. She's such a lovely angel and I was about to talk to Sophia about it, but to my surprise, her eyes are already halfway closed.

I immediately turned to the heart meter and I noticed how weak her heartbeat is and I immediately notified the nurses. Everyone in the room was panicking. I was yelling at her, telling her to stay strong. The nurse have taken away Julia from me

Her palm touches mine and that was the moment the heart heart rate went to zero. I was pretty much escorted out if the room after that


Please no...

The nurses did everything they could but nothing worked. I just stared at her lifeless body. Her face still have that fond smile of hers.... I felt like I've been broken into pieces.

So that was the end...? I-- W-we didn't get to spend our time as a family yet r-right ??? I-- Why ???

I was in denial. I can't accept the fact that she had left me... This must be a joke right...?

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