Forget Me Not || 18

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[ - eunji jeon - ]

I was quite hesitant to tell her about it, but she really wants to know. I mean, when you have an amnesia, I'm sure that's what you'd want to do. You'd try your best to do anything to recall anything if possible. I guess here goes nothing

"So um... Where to start..." I uttered

"How did all of these occurred ?" she asked

"Honestly I'm not really sure how but pretty much all of these occurred because of someone that hates you a lot. Her name's Ella Kim" I said to her

"Wait... What in the hell occurred before you even asked me out ??? I didn't know any of it because Ella didn't tell me anything" I turned to Joshua

"You don't know ??? I thought you did" said Joshua as he was surprised by that news

"Yeah I really don't. So what actually happened ?? Like what suddenly urged you to cheat on her to be honest ??" I asked him

"Well, it started when Ella sent me pictures of Sophia with her ex maybe ?? I don't know but it started from those edited pictures, and she came by my house. You can guess what happened next. I don't really want to get into details" said Joshua

"Ah... Now I see why. She told me to just make a move and so I did. I just wasn't expecting any of that honestly. I guess both of us were just puppets to begin with" I said to him

"You know what. You should really take back these money Eunji ssi" said Sophia as she pushed the money to me


"You're a victim too. Honestly, both of you were. She was using you to satisfy herself right ? So she used both of you to make sure it'll give me an effect, correct ?" said Sophia

Well if you put it that way... I guess she's right...

"But still-- I--"

"I'm not bringing any of these to court, so there's no need to hand me any money. I'm fine with it and I don't think I deserve any money from a victim. The one who had to pay is her. She started it right ?" she said to both of us

"I'm sure this wasn't the only thing she had done... Anything else that I need to know ?" she asked

I thought and thought about it until I remembered about that conversation that I had with Ella months ago.

"I do have a recorded conversation of her exposing herself. Would you like to hear it ?" I asked her

"If you don't mind" she replied

I took out my phone and played the recording of our conversation. Judging by her face expression, she's pretty much dumbfounded listening to that recording. Honestly, I was too.

"I can just sue her right ?" she asked. By her tone of voice, I'm sure she wasn't having it

"Well, yeah. We do have the proofs. Also, I do have the original pictures of you with your friend. The one she paid someone to edit it with" I said to her

"Why don't you ask her to come here Joshua ? I'd love to have a talk with her" said Sophia with a smile.

"C-certainly" he stuttered as he immediately pulled out his phone to contact Ella. He puts it on speaker so we could listen to it

"Hello ?" Ella's voice was heard from the other side

"Ella, I'm wondering if we could meet now ?" Joshua responded to her

"For what ???" Ella was quite confused

Well I would too

"I'm home alone and, it'd be nice to have some company" he lied

"Pfft-- Seriously Joshua ?? You're still cheating on your wife ??? Well, since I don't really have any grudges against you. Why not. We'd be able to have some fun too" said Ella

Is this girl for real ?

I turned to Sophia to see that she was disgusted by that. I mean... I would too

"See you soon" said Joshua and Ella just hummed in response

Joshua ended the call and he looked like he wanted to throw that phone away as fast as possible

"I'll be waiting in the kitchen, Eunji ssi, you should come with me too" Sophia invited me

"A-alright" I responded as I got up with my stuffs while Sophia brought the bouquet with her

We had quite a talk in the kitchen while waiting for Ella to arrive. She may seem all gentle and kind but when she's angry... She seemed so scary and stern. I don't blame Joshua if he's ever scared of her.

We then heard the door opened and Joshua greeted someone. Of course, we heard her voice

"Let them have a short conversation first before going there" said Sophia as she sips onto the coffee she made for us

We left them for about 5 minutes and she dragged me along after that and let me tell you, Ella was shocked to see Sophia and I

"Eunji, what are you doing here-- What the fuck is SHE doing here ?" said Ella

"To have a small talk with you miss Kim" said Sophia with a smile as she sits down facing Ella.

Ella seemed confused and puzzled. Well... Maybe she wasn't expecting to see her here and the aura around them is DEFINITELY intimidating.

"Let's... Talk shall we ?" Sophia maintained a smile on her face but anyone can tell she's angry. She gives off a scary vibe...

Gosh, I wonder how this girl had the guts to mess with her when this girl is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing at this point. I should seriously be glad that she had forgiven me or I'd seriously leave the country just to avoid her at this point.

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now