Forget Me Not || 13

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[ - sophia kim - ]

After the visit to my parents', Joshua brought me to my in laws. It was very awkward for me since I've never met them yet. They were very welcoming and concerned of my well-being. Though, I reassured them that it'll be fine. We spent our time there till sunset and Joshua then brought me back to our house

He helped me out with my stuffs. When I entered the house, things felt unfamiliar yet so familiar... It doesn't trigger anything for me though, but I just felt... Upset ?

An image of high heels flashed by which followed by a piercing pain in my head.

"Sophia are you okay ?!" Joshua immediately rushed towards me

"I don't think so-- ugh !" I held onto my head as I groaned.

The pain gradually increased. I feel like my head's detaching from my neck omg

"Let's get you to your room first" he picked me up and brought me into a room as he laid me down on the bed

"I'll get you some medicine, I'll be back" said Joshua as he left the room

He came back shortly after with some medicines and a cup of water. He handed me a painkiller and the cup of water. I took the medicine and drank the water afterwards. I guess I really need some rest now. The pain is not decreasing at all.

"You should take a rest Sophia. I don't want things to get even worst for you" said Joshua as he pats my head softly

"I'll leave you now" he kissed my temple and left the room

I was having all of these mixed feelings. I felt angry, I was flustered, I felt happy-- I don't know anymore. I don't remember anything but why do I feel this way...? Because I knew your wrongdoings towards me ???

My head began to hurt even more. I should really head to bed.

[ - joshua hong - ]

Seeing her again made me sad and guilty all over again. I've never gotten to apologize properly and up until today I'm still guilty over it. I want to apologize as fast as I could, but I'm afraid it'll trigger something in her...

I looked at the time and it's already 9 PM. I should notify them that Sophia's back in town. Pretty sure they'd like to see her tomorrow

≿----- ❈ -----≾






Shua hyung hiiiii

Why did you text us out of
the blueeee ???

Sophia's back in town

Fr ?

She's really back ??

Yes yes

Eo ? Who did she come here
with ?

I recalled she still couldn't
walk properly herself

Her brother is on a business
trip and she wanted to tag
along according to him

So yeah

Omg hyung can we see her
tomorrow, pretty please 🥺

Hansol and I haven't seen
her for ages :(

I knew you'd ask that, that's why
I'm informing all of you

Omg yay 😍

Ahhh thank you hyung

We'd really appreciate it

You're most welcome

I'm heading to bed now since
I'm exhausted from today

I'll see you guys tomorrow

Certainly hyung





≿----- ❈ -----≾

With that said, I head to my own room as I laid down after changing my clothes. I'm tired from going there and there with Sophia today and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Though, I wonder when should I apologize to her formally... I don't want to ruin the mood now since she seemed very happy to be here...

I just hope when the time comes... It wouldn't be a disaster...

[ - jihoon lee - ]

Well that was quite unexpected of her to come back out of the blue. I mean, I'm happy to see her, but part of me is just in pain thinking about her over and over. Those things that I've said to her. Those stuffs that I've told her... When thinking about it again, I'm going to get in big trouble if Wonwoo and Mingyu found out.

I'm really torn between wanting her to retrieve her memories or not. I missed her. I really do. I just want to see the old her again, but at this rate I don't really think it's possible.

Will I be able to create a strong bond with her like before ? Will everything be alright...?

All of these overthinking made me feel anxious about tomorrow....

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now