Episode 19 - Blessed Are The Peacemakers

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[hi hello! this chapter contains (awfully detailed) very explicit sexual content. if you are under sixteen (‼️) or uncomfortable with reading nsfw content, please feel free to skip this part of the chapter.

if you're a whore like me, welcome home.

content warnings: oral sex (f receiving), fingering, virginity loss, unprotected sex, leon has a big dick and a whole ass corruption kink, soft sex <3

this is a long one folks. whole lotta feels and a whole lotta badly written porn. enjoy it lmao]

Waking up the next day is like having a hangover without drinking

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Waking up the next day is like having a hangover without drinking. The energy you had in your body yesterday has been replaced by this tiring numbness, a headache that makes you clench your fists every now and then. The painkillers don't seem to do much.

You had a hard time sleeping last night. Covered in sweat, you woke up from nightmares twice, not to mention you got scared every time you thought you saw some kind of silhouette resembling a zombie at the other side of the room. It's like the trauma is finally catching up to you, even now, sitting at a table in the same restaurant you had dinner last night. You attempt to hide your shaking hands and trembling body as much as you can. 

Leon hasn't exactly caught much sleep either. He couldn't fall asleep for the first few hours, no matter how hard he tried.

After the outburst between you last night, he hasn't said much. Neither have you. He's just not sure what to say anymore, and he's trying to give you the space you said you wanted.

He sighs, sitting next to you in the booth. You're practically the only ones in the restaurant right now, aside from an older couple sitting at the counter.

You've finished your breakfast, so now you're just drinking your cappucino. Leon, like the old man he is, takes his coffee black with nothing in it. "So, what do we do now?" You ask, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"I had an idea." Claire speaks up. "I came to the city looking for Chris, and I'm still going after him, even if I know what he's been up to now. I'm sure Leon has other matters to attend to, so maybe you could take Sherry to your home?"

Both you and Leon end up sitting across from her with furrowed brows. "So you're leaving? Just like that?" You question, believing she's handling this badly.

"Well, I..." The redhead begins, trying to find the right words, because she didn't expect either of you to respond like this. "He's my brother. I gotta find him."

Leon takes a few dollars out of his pocket. "Sherry, why don't you go buy yourself a snack for the road?"

The little girl isn't stupid, she knows something's up, but takes the money from him nonetheless. She walks away, her shoulders hanging low at the thought of Claire leaving her.

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