Episode 1 - Diabolical Barbie

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"Are you fucking kidding me?"

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"Are you fucking kidding me?"


"Why in hell would you want her on our squad? We're doing perfectly fine as we are."

Lloyd takes off his glasses, putting them away on his neatly organized desk. The two of them find themselves in his office, with Leon standing across the room, pacing back and forth, waving with his hands. It might be the most upset the man has ever seen him.

Due to a decision of the higher-ups, Lloyd's distant colleague Derek Simmons was downgraded in his position, which meant he lost the majority of his supervision over the government's greatest human weapon — you.

And Lloyd, like the perceptive man he is, knew that it was Simmons who gave you missions that were way too easy for someone with your strength and power. So that's why he volunteered to supervise you, which meant moving you to his task force.

Much to Leon's dismay, apparently.

He tries to explain his reasoning. "I don't know if you're aware of this, but she's a superhuman. Good at what she does. Her talents would be wasted even more than they already are if they keep giving her shitty missions, she'll be able to do more good here. With us."

"Haven't you read her evaluation? A girl with raging anger issues and the ability to break concrete with her bare fists — sounds like a ticking time bomb to me."

It's a fair point. You're not exactly known for having good anger management.

But Lloyd knows that's not why he's making such a fuss.

"What's this really about? You've never been one to judge people based on some rumors."

Leon huffs. Everyone in the room knows what this is really about, but he still doesn't want to admit it.

"She despises me and I despise her."

It's a big fat lie. Both of them know it.

Okay, so maybe he dislikes you, but he still has feelings for you. He still gets jealous when he hears you've slept or flirted with others and he still wishes it was you he came home to every night.

And when he gets himself off, he thinks of the intimate moments he shared with you.

It's stupid and embarrassing, if not perverted. He feels ashamed of it. Why can't he just move on like a normal person? He never imagined himself as the toxic ex who couldn't start new relationships, yet here he is. Embodying the things he can't stand. Story of his damn life.

"Leon, I value your opinion, you know that. But my decision here is final. You've both grown since the incident. It's been four years. It'll be fine."

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