Episode 7 - Improve Your Decifit Or Die

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content warnings: explicit sexual content, dub-con (both under the influence), don't be fooled by the sexy stuff bc they're gonna cry afterwards, whole lotta angst, someone gets shot, major suicidal thoughts at the end

content warnings: explicit sexual content, dub-con (both under the influence), don't be fooled by the sexy stuff bc they're gonna cry afterwards, whole lotta angst, someone gets shot, major suicidal thoughts at the end

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The next day, the five of you are gathered in the conference room to go through the progression of the few cases you've been working on, both individually and collectively. You've got bags under your eyes, putting very little effort into hiding them this morning. You just couldn't find it in you to care.

Your daily life feels like a blur. Everything that's happened in the span of just a few weeks makes it feel like months have passed.

While Leon still excels at his job, he finds himself more and more uninterested in it. Everything that's been going on surrounding you and Umbrella has occupied his mind nearly entirely. It's practically all he can think about, and it's driving him nuts. He still doesn't have the answers he wants, and it's about damn time he gets them.

You most certainly wouldn't agree with that.

As you and Leon make eye contact, Neal looks at Yoko, wiggling his brows to insinuate something.

The thing is that at this point, both of them have come to the conclusion that you and him have some kind of relationship that nobody knows about. In all honesty, it's not just the two of them who see it, it's pretty much everyone in the department.

No one has actually been able to work out what that relationship is. Are you sleeping together? Exes? Formerly intense platonic friends? Literal partners in crime who have robbed multiple banks together? Who knows.

Well, Lloyd does.

The poor man just can't seem to get any of you to focus today. With you and Leon silently hating on each other all the time, Neal as usual doing everything except the one thing he gets paid to do and Yoko somehow getting involved with it every time, Lloyd feels exactly like he did that one time he had to babysit four kids as a teenager.

There's a reason it only happened once and never again.

Just as he wants to say something about it, he's rudely interrupted when the door suddenly swings open.

Two agents of another department step into the room, apologizing for their interruption. Neal immediately decides he doesn't like the two agents that joined your meeting, something quite literally no one asked for.

His southern accent pops out more on certain occasions. "Don't y'all know how to knock?"

The men don't respond, and they don't even have to look at you for you to know why they're here. You already know what it means.

Nothing good. Because they report directly to Simmons.

Leon, being as observant as he is, notices something strange. The moment they stepped into the room, you tensed up, trying to hide your hands because you most likely don't want anyone to see you fiddling with your fingers.

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