Episode 4 - Which Of Us Is Worse

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content warnings: explicit sexual content, author is tired therefore puts out shit chapters that aren't proofread, choking if you squint, forced drug use? i don't know just read the damn thing

content warnings: explicit sexual content, author is tired therefore puts out shit chapters that aren't proofread, choking if you squint, forced drug use? i don't know just read the damn thing

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Leon's blue eyes curiously move as he pushes the door in front of him open. The cold air touches his skin in a sudden wave, but he doesn't mind it. It's refreshing actually.

He's never been to a place like this at this hour. Hell, he hasn't been in a place like this for a long time in general. The last time was years ago, with Sarah, probably.

The rink is empty, except for you.

He watches you as you move across the ice graciously, as if it's something you've been doing your whole life.

Maybe you have. He doesn't know.

Your outfit is a simple black attire of a long-sleeved shirt, gloves, tight and flexible pants with white figure skates. Yet right now, he's more drawn to your face.

With earphones plugged in and the ice all to yourself, you seem to be completely in your element. Calm, cool, collected — in control. You've got all the focus and time in the world, which is something of beauty. Leon finds himself so utterly captivated with you whenever you do something you're good at.

He could watch you do this for hours.

As an intense classical piece blasts through your earphones, you can see him slowly walking over to the stand with something resembling a document in his hand, which sparks your curiosity. You keep going nonetheless.

His heart and head are really fighting a battle here. After the things Claire told him, he should think of you differently, treat you differently — because there's a solid chance you could be on the other side of the fight. And that terrifies him.

But he doesn't want to think of you as a threat, much less treat you like one. He wants to get closer to you because he loves you, not because you might be a villain in this story.

Especially since he's been on that side of the story himself.

If anything is going to give him wrinkles, it's this. You. He's tired of it already.

When the song ends, you let out a sigh and skate towards the side of the rink, which is where you can get off and on the ice. A thin layer of sweat covers your skin and your chest heaves.

"What do you want?" Is the first thing you say to him with annoyance awfully clear in your tone.

"You skate beautifully." He responds. You cock a brow at the seemingly genuine comment, and it's been a long day, so you opt not to say something sarcastic in return for once.

"Thanks. How'd you know I was here?"

"I have my ways."

His ways being asking Lloyd to track your cellphone. Funny how easy it is to find people with technology nowadays.

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