Episode 3 - Beginning Of The Descent

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"Listen. I just really don't think I need another workout today."

"Neal, it's mandatory."

"No, look — I go up and down the stairs in my house and I'm vibrating like the Nokia 1150. I cannot handle more than that right now. I'm not in the right... state of mind."

"Did you do drugs at breakfast or something?"

"What? No."

"You sound high."

"This is what I sound like on a regular day. If I was high, trust me, you'd know."

"Kid, do me a favor here and shut the hell up. It's eight in the morning and I do not have the energy to listen to your shit."

His young colleague looks his way with a frown of genuine confusion. "What's gotten into you? Thought you didn't do hangovers."

Leon huffs, rubbing his eye with his finger, the silver ring gleaming in the lights of the conference room. "I don't have a hangover."

"Right. Whatever you say."

Truth is, he really doesn't have one. He's always handled his liquor well, and last night was no different, but he had a shit night's sleep, and he's just not feeling it today. The week has been dreadfully long, even if he doesn't necessarily dislike working.

It's Friday, close to the weekend, and he's having dinner with Sarah tonight. It's been a while since they've met up. She's twenty-one as of now, currently chasing a degree in Biology at Princeton, and now that he's working for the CIA, they both have cramped agendas.

It's fine, though. He's proud of his sister, he knows she works hard, which is why he's paying for her tuition.

When she moved into her college dorm, both of them knew figuring out where Sherry was going to live was gonna be an issue. The girl lived with Sarah ever since Leon dropped her off after the Raccoon City incident.

Leon couldn't take her in. He was off working for long days, with his job being unpredictable and everything but the ordinary nine-to-five. Being too young to live on her own, Leon knew he had to find a new home for her — and ironically, he managed to arrange that she could live with his former football coach, who was his only real father figure growing up.

Both Leon and Sarah still visit her regularly, sometimes she comes over, and she got a fresh start living elsewhere.

Happy ending, right?

Well, not so much. Because he's stuck with the absolute menace that is his wife.


He doesn't enjoy fighting with you. At all. He doesn't want to, but you certainly seem to. Testing him on a daily basis, bickering with him over the slightest things.

He guesses the things people say about married life is true. Just not in the way he expected.

It's all just... weird. His life is so fucking weird.

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