Episode 22 - Infernal Place

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Tears stream down your face while your fingers grip his shirt out of frustration

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Tears stream down your face while your fingers grip his shirt out of frustration.

You failed him.

It's your fault he got hurt. If you hadn't told him to stop the car, if you hadn't fought with him, he'd still be alive and well now. He spun you around and took the bullets directed at you. He protected you, prepared to give his own life for you.

You'd scream if you had the energy for it.

I never wanted to see the world burn. All I wanted was to take care of the people I loved.

His words run through your head, and you feel like you're losing it. You know he was too far gone, you know he had to be stopped. You know. But it wasn't supposed to be like this...

His body twitches just the smallest bit. You put your ear above his slightly parted lips, and it takes long, but there's breathing.

So to confirm you're not imagining things, you put two fingers on his neck, and you feel a pulse. A slow one, but a pulse nonetheless.

Yet your hope is partially shattered when you hear footsteps approaching behind you. A team of seemingly regular police officers come up to you, guns raised.

Things aren't looking good for you. Surrounded by several bodies of the DSI, you're kneeled by the body of a dying man — and you see no way out. But you can gain one thing out of this situation.

You raise your shaking hands. "I'm unarmed!"

"Hands on the back of your head!" The officer in front of you yells, and you do what he says.

"Please, he needs medical attention!" You cry out. "He's still got a pulse. If you save him, I'll do whatever you want. I'll cooperate!"

You're lucky the officer leading the team sees it would be better to hand Leon back to the U.S. government alive instead of in a body bag. That's why he gestures to the officer next to him, who begins to inspect Leon's injuries while you're being handcuffed.

As you're taken away from the scene, you see the team has split up to focus on getting both of you away from the crime scene. You wish he'd just get up. You wish he would open his eyes and stand up as if he was just playing pretend the whole time, like a scene in a movie.

But he doesn't.

Your hair and clothes are drenched from the heavy rain, and you turn to look at the body of the man you love before you're escorted into the police van.

Later on, after driving about twenty minutes, you're moved into a facility that looks ordinary on the outside, but is something resembling a police station on the inside. There's a good chance you're standing in a black site.

The place almost looks shady. The officer pushing you forward by your wrists begins to talk to the colleagues waiting for you. "Dit is de dame van negentien die ze in Amerika willen hebben."

𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. ⇢ 𝐋𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐒. 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃𝐘Where stories live. Discover now