Episode 16 - Equating Pain With Success

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The hurricane of a being that is Claire Redfield stands in front of the two of you with a scowl on her face, her red jacket and dark blue jeans covered in blood and dirt, her blue eyes hardened

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The hurricane of a being that is Claire Redfield stands in front of the two of you with a scowl on her face, her red jacket and dark blue jeans covered in blood and dirt, her blue eyes hardened. "You bastard."

Leon's grip on your arm tightens, as well as his grip on Matilda. "I told you I'd kill you if I saw you again."

You listen to the exchange with wide eyes. What the hell? Why is she so hostile towards him? The last time you all saw each other was at the courtyard of the station, and none of you knew Leon was with Umbrella at that time. So how does she know? Did they meet up somewhere behind your back?

She shakes her head. "Not if I kill you first."

"I'm pretty sure that's my line." He retorts with a stern voice, still not loosening his grip on you. "And what're you gonna do with that flamethrower, huh? Burn us both to ashes?"

He refers to the two of you on purpose, because everyone in the room knows that Claire made a mistake by putting up the flamethrower. It doesn't work for the distance between her and the two of you and the fire will hurt you too if she decides to use it. He's still holding you firmly, because you're his protection — his human shield.

He knows Claire won't do anything if it means injuring you in the process. He would never actually put you at risk.

"Cute." He mocks her tauntingly. "Put it down."

"And then what? You'll shoot me?"

"I guess we'll find out, won't we?"

Swallowing audibly while feeling Leon's hot breath in your neck, you try to get them both to calm down. It doesn't help that both of them have quite the fire in them. "Claire... please, just put it down."

She shifts her eyes to look at you, furrowing her brows when she focuses on your wrists tied behind your back. "You can't be serious."

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" You retort with frustration audible in your tone. Leon is pleasantly surprised with your words. Of course he understands you're trying to save her life, because all of you know that he's got the upper hand here.

He always does.

Claire is trying to think of what to do, but her issue is directly thrown out the window when something drops out of the ceiling behind you.

The three of you turn your heads to the seemingly immortal creature that once was your uncle.

With rising annoyance, you clench your fists. "How is that fucker not dead yet?"

The door behind you suddenly opens once more, and the last person you want to see right now pushes you out of the way to get past you. "He's mine." Annette holds up a flare gun, shooting two acid-like rounds at William's mutated form, causing him to drop on the middle of the platform. "I'm sorry, William. But you left me no other choice."

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