Episode 20 - Fleeting Joy

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nsfw warnings: bondage, oral sex (f+m receiving), rough sex, dirty talk, spanking, choking, light degradation, sadism if you squint, facefucking, brat taming, manhandling, leon's a lil mean and so fucking hot i wanna throw myself off a bridge, just complete filth with some plot i'm so sorry

nsfw warnings: bondage, oral sex (f+m receiving), rough sex, dirty talk, spanking, choking, light degradation, sadism if you squint, facefucking, brat taming, manhandling, leon's a lil mean and so fucking hot i wanna throw myself off a bridge, jus...

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Leon awakes in the middle of the night, a thin layer of sweat covering his naked body. He despises waking up abruptly.

It's not often he can remember his dreams. His nightmares tend to stick with him, though. They've only gotten worse throughout the years.

It always involves his loved ones. His mother, his sister. Friends he still cares about but barely talks to anymore. It's a lonely life to live, doing what he does. But he doesn't think he'll ever live a normal life again. He hasn't for a long time.

It was fun when it started. Back when he didn't have to kill, when things were simpler. He used to be cocky about it all, given the fact that he was the youngest recruit, yet at the top of the order. He worked alone instead of on a squad because he's always been that good.

He never thought the trauma and the guilt would be this bad. It's gotten easier for him, sure, but it's like he can feel his humanity fading with every bullet he puts between someone's eyes. You just have to shut it out with a job like this one.

No one really wants an easy life. Not even him. Craving a life like that causes the most pain.

But he doesn't want to live like this anymore.

He turns his head to look at you. You're still sound asleep, snoring softly, hair slightly disheveled from turning around, hands holding onto the pillow underneath your head.

He's still eyeing your sleeping figure when something switches in his head. It's a rare moment of complete silence in his strangely hectic life, and when he looks at you, he can't help the sudden overflow of emotions in him. 

It's truly laughable. The way he tries to stop it all from coming by squeezing his eyes shut and running a hand through his hair. 

What would his mother have thought if she knew what he's turned into? The utter monster he's become. Working for an organization as vicious as Umbrella for the goddamn money. Sacrificing the world if it means saving the few loved ones he has left. It's selfish. Selfish and beyond cruel, and he hates himself for it.

What would Sarah think of him? If she knew all the details? She'd hate him, he's sure of it. Just like his mother would. Just like his father does. Just like you do.

He knows that you trust him again now that he's opened up about his past, but you still hate him for what he did and who he is. He sees it in everything that you do and say.

A single tear runs down his cheek silently. It's the first time he's cried in a long time. He was on the verge of crying just hours ago, when you held him, but he's finally there now. The lump in his throat is beyond painful, and he tries to swallow it, but he can't. If anything, the aching only increases.

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