Episode 6 - Too Wild

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content warnings: self-harm, sort of? & a very short sex scene, technically non consensual voyeurism? i don't even know lmao

content warnings: self-harm, sort of? & a very short sex scene, technically non consensual voyeurism? i don't even know lmao

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Blood covers your fingertips when you put the revolver back in its holster. But it was there from the beginning.

It's not his. Not Sarah's either.

Leon releases the breath he was holding, the grip on his pistol loosening just a bit. He still finds it hard to fathom what just happened.

You didn't shoot. Why didn't you shoot?

The threatening look on your face disappears when you face the blonde girl at your right again.

"I'm sorry, but I gotta go. It's been lovely seeing you again, Sarah." The words come out of your mouth so smoothly; as if you didn't just point a gun at her under the table.

And your words are genuine. It really was nice to see her again, to see she's doing well. You believe she deserves to live a good life. It's not like you were happy to use her as some pawn in your game.

She even comes over to hug you goodbye. "It was nice to see you too. Take care."

Leon can see the surprised expression on your face when she does, your hands beginning to tremble — and every time he sees these hints of your humanity come flashing by, he grows conflicted again.

Every time he thinks he's figured you out, you manage to prove him wrong.

Swallowing, you smile at her before leaving, with Leon automatically following you. As expected.

Once he's pushed you out of earshot and closed the door behind him, he finally lets his emotions show. His rage and inner conflict have him breaking in front of you. "My sister? My goddamn sister!?"

"I warned you."

"What the fuck is this, huh? What's going on? Going through some fucking phase?"

What really pisses you off is the fact that he never seems to take you as an actual threat. Leon doesn't fear anyone. Even when everyone else is afraid of you, not him. It's frustrating. It sure as shit drives your bloodlust forward, because he needs to understand that you're willing to go very, very far to keep your business a secret.

"Unless you back the fuck up, I'll go right back in there. You know what happens next, don't you?"

He angrily drags you with him out the door, to the roof of the building, pointing his finger at you. "What the fuck makes you think I'll even let you back in there?"

"I can do what I want."

And that's what makes him even angrier. You think you're so fucking untouchable with that strength of yours, toying with him, hurting him to the bone with your actions.

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