Episode 15 - Welcome To The Jungle

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After successfully stealing some C4 from the storage without being seen, the five of you go your separate ways to blow some shit up

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After successfully stealing some C4 from the storage without being seen, the five of you go your separate ways to blow some shit up.

The map is imprinted in your mind — you had to make sure of that, since Neal and Leon took it with them, and you lost your phone in the plane crash.

But it's fine. You know where to go.

From the point of the storage, you and Yoko are headed to the power plant, located in the east part of the area. Lloyd is going north, to the docks, Leon and Neal west to the airfield, which should be close to the cell block where you previously gathered. You assume that the dig site where you first met up with Leon again was the south part of the area.

As you and Yoko cut through the thick forest, it's rather quiet, save for the chirping birds, your footsteps in the muddy ground and buzzing insects. Lord, you gotta get out of here.

The sniper rifle sits on Yoko's back as she ties her long hair into a simple, loose braid, her bangs clinging to her forehead from sweat.

It's in moments like these that the heat is ever so present. You're guessing it's sometime around noon, and you're both starving. Not to mention the pounding headache you have — it's like you can feel your heartbeat in your fucking forehead.

And the lack of sleep is doing you no good either. That, and the virus working its way through your body, which will definitely begin to reach your brain in several hours if it keeps spreading this fast.

"C'mon. Over here." Yoko says, gently putting her hand your shoulder, but you shrug her off, the physical touch making you uncomfortable. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

"Let's just keep moving." You interrupt her monotonously, feeling bad for acting this cold, but you're also too overwhelmed by everything right now. The pain in your body is getting worse and worse.

She knows that too, so she just follows you quietly. Things have been tense since the falling out between you and Lloyd a little while ago.

Silence occurs between you and her again. Your mind drifts off to your husband. God, you hate your boss for not pairing you up with him.

Because if your plan goes wrong and you do end up dying right here, at least you'd be able to get to see his face one last time.

God, what if that turns out to be the last time you'll see him?

Before you can drown even further into your thoughts, a loud shot in the distance catches your attention. Birds fly off as a response. It's dreadfully quiet after.

Yet the sound of the shot echoes through your ear. It makes you blink erratically until you squeeze your eyes shut, the noise sounding a lot louder to you than it actually is.

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