chapter one

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A heavy shaky breath escaped her mouth as she kept running in the dark alley; head keeps turning back just to check if the guys were still after her

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A heavy shaky breath escaped her mouth as she kept running in the dark alley; head keeps turning back just to check if the guys were still after her.

She stopped running and hid behind the wall, catching her breath, hand holding her chest. The streetlight above her was the only source of light for her to see the entire bruise on her legs.

How stupid it is to wear skirt for a mission. But she had no choice, she has to obey every words the members told her to, especially her boyfriend which is one of the strong people in the gang.


A raspy voice shouted from far away making the girl's breath hitched as she cover her mouth with her palm.

"go find her, idiot? What are you waiting for?!" the guy again spoke, commanding his men.

She looked around the alley before ran towards the bin and hid behind it, covering her mouth so the men couldn't hear her breath.

"haemin, I'm here, quick get out of there" a voice from her earpiece spoke startling the girl a little.

The girl called Haemin pressed her lips into thin lines and waited for the men ran passed her so she could get out from there.

"you search on the right, I'll search on the left" a voice of man commanded and she heard the stepping away meaning that they already left the spot where she hide at.

She carefully stood and looked around again before running away from the alley, towards where her member waited for her at.

From far away she could saw a black van with very tinted mirror, parking behind the tree. She continued ran towards the van before opening the door in a rush and got inside the van, slamming the door afterwards.

"fuck, they almost catch me" she said while breathing heavily.

A guy chuckled next to her before handing a bottle of water which she gladly accepted it from him. "you're fine right? no injured?" he asked.

Haemin shook her head while gulping down the water from the bottle, "no" she said before turning to her legs. "just some bruises, but that's normal" she muttered.

The guy next to her grinned before ruffling her hair "I will ask Felix to treat your bruises when we got home," he muttered and Haemin replied with a smile while nodding a little.

Haemin turned to window, looking outside as he started driving back to their mansion.

Her eyes were watching cars that passed by them but her mind was thinking other thing else. She's scared to go back to their so called home.

She's scared to face the members especially her boyfriend.

"what are you thinking, min?" the guy asked, snapping the girl back into reality as she glanced towards the guy.

She let out a heavy sigh before shrugging her shoulders a little. "they will be mad again right?" she asked quietly making the guy went silent went he heard her question.

"are you mad at me, changbin?" she asked the guy, slowly looking up to the guy who had his eyes fixed on the road.

Changbin smiled warmly, glancing towards the girl before shaking his head, "no, why should i?" he replied before back to silence.

He huffed heavily and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know whether they will be mad or not, Haemin, but if they do, just remember you have me and Felix, we will back up you"

Haemin smiled weakly and nodded her head, "you guys are really like my brothers" Changbin giggled, "we are your brothers- well yeah even we're not your real brothers, but we think you as our sister and that's what brothers do, protecting their sister"

Haemin felt a little ease after hearing the elder's words. She glanced towards the guy before turned back to the window, smiled plastering on her face.

Kim Haemin, 22 year old girl.

A not so innocent girl who had done a lot of crimes for 2 years now. How did she find and join the mafia gang?

Well, long short story, she met Lee Know A.K.A her boyfriend who save her from suicide. Lee Know introduce her to his members and then he revealed the truth about the gang he works in.

Love really blinded her, leading her to join them just to stay with Lee Know, who she barely know everything about his personality and his background life.

"with us, you will be safe" is what he said to her to convince her, staying with him.

She later found out her boyfriend's true colors. He forced her to do a lot of dangerous missions. When she asked him why he always put her in a danger, what he will answer is "you're the one who wants to join us, just do everything we told you"

All his words and his promises about him protecting her were lies.

You guys might be wondering where is Haemin's parents at.

Her parents abounded her when she was still 5 year old, without explaining anything to her. She lived in an orphanage, had no friends and no childhood memories.

Her life never fills with happiness, she does smile but it was too real that everyone didn't realize that it's fake.

She is still continued her life even it feels like hell for her. She believes that she can find a way to escape from that world she lives in now.

She believes that there is always a rainbow after every storm.

New Book heeeeheee
I'm scared how this book will turn out to, I hope it won't flop T_T

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