chapter six

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She grabbed the rock she found, hitting his head making the man fell to the ground

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She grabbed the rock she found, hitting his head making the man fell to the ground. She breath heavily before throwing the rock away and was about to run from the place.

But a gunshot stopped her from running as she snapped her head back, just to see Kwon Jisuk aiming his gun towards her.

"I can see that you're a great fighter" he muttered.

"but your bad, you don't have any guns with you" he smirked and Haemin eyes went wide as she check that her guns aren't with her anymore.


Another gunshot could be heard as Jisuk pulled the trigger making the girl flinched. "I want you to die Kim Haemin!" he yelled and pulled the trigger once again.

And it hits her abdomen.

She fell to the ground, hissing while holding her wound. Jisuk chuckled bitterly, "see? I told you, you're weak" He smirked as he walked closer and aimed his gun towards her leg.


Her screamed could be heard. Even the crows flied away after hearing her loud scream. "fuck you!" she screamed as she held her leg.

Her attention turned to the metal stick that is next to her. "Stray Kids has been trying to stop me since a year ago, aren't you guys tired? You kept coming back but you, their princess keep getting hurt"

He crouched down and placed the gun on top of her head.

"they are stupid, aren't they? Sending a girl to kill me, what did they expect from you?" he scoffed and was about to pull the trigger.

But she was quick enough to swing the rock towards his head, hitting the man on his head making him fall right next to her.

"this jerk" she muttered under her breath and pushed him away to get up.

She held her abdomen and tried to get up and her injured leg makes it even harder for her to walk.

Blood flowing out from her abdomen nonstop, making her felt dizzy and her sight blurry. But she has to find way out or Jisuk's men will find her.

She held the wall for support as she slowly walked to find a cab.

But her legs couldn't support her anymore and her knees are getting weaker so she dropped to the ground.

"ack" she held her abdomen but everything just getting worse. She fell to the ground while her eyelids slowly become heavy.

"miss?! Miss!"

A voice yelled from far away as the person made his way towards the girl.

"miss! Wake up! Oh my god, what happen to you... Miss!"

Haemin tried to open her eyes but she can't, "h-help... me" she muttered slowly and the person immediately reached for his phone and called an ambulance.

"miss, please hang on, ambulance is on its way!"

The person said as he cupped and placed her head on their lap. "oh my god, it won't stop bleeding" she heard the person said.

The person placed their hand on her abdomen trying to stop the blood from coming out.

"please hang on-"

And that was the last words she heard before everything went black.

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