chapter ten

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Jaemin sighed and rolled his eyes as he grabbed the chocolate from the girl and placed a bowl of salads in front of the girl

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Jaemin sighed and rolled his eyes as he grabbed the chocolate from the girl and placed a bowl of salads in front of the girl.

She turned to him and furrowed her eyebrows before staring at the salads in front of her.

"why did you take my chocolate away? I'm eating it"

Jaemin sealed the packet and keep it to himself before looking at the girl. "it's the 3rd chocolate already, aren't your stomach hurt from eating it?" he asked while raising his eyebrows.

Haemin furrowed her eyebrows and patted her stomach before tilting her head and turned to Jaemin again, "no?"

"you shouldn't consume to much of sugar, you want to heal faster right? eat those" he said before pointing towards the salads in front of her.

She pouted a little and stared at the salads in disgust.

"I don't like veggies" she mumbled quietly but not too quiet since Jaemin heard it. He crossed his arms, "if you're not eating that, I will call your friends and send you there"

Her eyes went wide and gasped a little, "you can't do that! You have to do your investigation" she talked back making Jaemin pressed his lips into thin lines and eyed the girl from head to toes.

"If you're not eating those, I'm not buying chocolates anymore"

She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily before reaching the bowl of salads and started to eat it. "whatever" she muttered while eating it.

A small smile crept on Jaemin's face as he looked away from the girl.

"oh, I will discharge tomorrow, right?" Haemin asked, eyes not turning to the guy instead she watched the television in front of her.

Jaemin hummed and nodded his head, "yeah- and I've made decision about where should you stay" his words making the girl turned her attention fully towards him.

"where? Will I stay at hotel? or maybe resort? Villa?"

Jaemin scoffed and looked at her in disbelief, "I rather put you straightly into jail" he retorted making the girl huffed and rolled her eyes.

"you're staying with me"

He blurted making the girl suddenly choke. Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows and handed her a glass of water while patting her back.

"what about it?" he asked making the girl looked at him with a wide eyes.

"stay with you? like in one house?" she asked in shock. Jaemin raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders, "duh? of course"

Haemin furrowed her eyebrows, "can't I like stay with Bora?"

Jaemin huffed, "she stays with her brother" Haemin furrowed her eyebrows, "so? It's even better than staying just with you in one house"

"you said you're fine staying at everywhere as long as not your friends' house" Jaemin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "no complains, you're staying with me"

Haemin pouted again before slowly turned to her food, "I rather stay in jail" she mumbled but he heard it again, "stop making face, you look ugly" he muttered before grabbing his jacket and stood, heading his way towards the door.

"where are you going?" she asked.

Jaemin glanced towards the girl before opening the door, "go back to my office of course, I can't handle, staying with annoying victim for a long period"

Before Haemin could reply anything, he walked out from her room and closed the door afterwards making her scoffed.

"this pretty face he said annoying? Tch, I take back about I said he's cool- he's the one who's annoying" she complained to herself.


Night time came and just like a week before, she stayed in her bed, staring out of the window, thinking about her life.

'am I really safe now?'

'how about Felix and Changbin? Are they looking for me? worry for me?'

She stares at the moon and stars on the dark sky before tilting her head and a heavy sigh escape from her mouth.

"why mom? Dad? Why can't you take care of me? why did you guys have to left me? I'm your only daughter, your only child"

She muttered before looking down on her hands before fiddling with her fingers, biting her bottom lips, holding herself back from crying.

"I won't forget the day you guys threw me away..." she mumbled quietly. "you guys are cruel" she added.


[ 5 years old Kim Haemin ]

A bright smile plastering on the little girl's face as she hoped off from the bus and ran to her house, hand holding a sketchbook that she got as a gift from her teacher.

"mom! Dad! I'm home!~" she said happily as she entered her house taking off the little shoes of her before walking towards the kitchen.

"mom?" she called as she found no one was in the kitchen. A place where her mom usually at, sitting on her usual seat, scrolling on her phone with a tea in front of her. Her mom is not there.

She tilted her head and dragged her feet towards her room as she heard voices coming from her room.

She slowly approached her room and peeked from the door only to see her parents packing her bag.
"mom? Dad? Are we going for a holiday?" she asked in excitement before walking inside her room and sat on the corner of her bed, watching her parents.

"look mom, dad! My teacher gave me a sketch book as a gift! She said I'm very talented in drawing"

She happily told her parents but none of them listening to whatever she told them. Instead the focus on packing her bags and stuffs.

"mom? Where are we going?" she asked again as she walked towards her mom, grabbing her wrist.

The lady turned to her daughter before a smile crept on her face. "we're going for a business trip sweetie, so you have to stay at another place"

"why can't I go with you?" her father turned to her before kneeling down to the same level as her height and held both of her shoulders. "you'll be fine without us right?"

Little Haemin pouted before shaking her head, "no! I can't stay away without you guys" her father smiled before kissing her forehead, "we won't be gone for a long time, darling"

That was what he told her. He won't be gone for a long time was what he promised to her.

But he lied.

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