chapter four

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"I told you to not come out without telling me? are you deaf or stupid?"

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"I told you to not come out without telling me? are you deaf or stupid?"

He asked while grabbing the girl's hair, making the girl looked up to him. "I just want to take some fresh air" she said while tears rolling down on her cheeks, crying like there's no tomorrow.

"who allow you to? I told you to not step out from this house unless for mission!" he yelled before throwing the girl away making her landed on the hard ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please stop!" she begged but he replied with a scoff.

"oh, now you beg? You should've think what will happen when you go out without my permission" he said before walking towards the girl and crouched down.

She stared at him, eyes gleaming, staring at the guy who she shouldn't have fallen for. After she met him, she thought her life would change just like other stories where poor girl met a mafia man then he protects her just like a princess. Her story is almost similar. It's just he doesn't treat her like a princess.

But like a slave.

"you know, you're already a trouble, everything went miserable when you came here, I should've let you kill yourself years ago"

He chuckled bitterly and shook his head, "Kim Haemin, parents left you, stay in orphanage, no friend and no childhood memories" he smirked and tilted his head, staring at the girl.
"how sad" he added making her heart shattered into pieces.

"why did you even brought me here if you just want to treat me like a trash, Minho, if you hate me, throw me away!"

Lee Know laughed and shook his head, "oh, no sweetie, I can't do that, you've know too much"

"at first I thought you would be a great weapon in our gang, I mean like maybe you can at least seduce our rival gang so it will make our job easier"

His eyes then turned dark, "but no, I was wrong" he muttered.

"you're making our job harder, you keep ruining everything, you can't even do a simple shit!" Haemin pressed her lips into thin lines and closed her eyes shut tightly.

"then what about you? you always mess everything too, it's not like you always settle everything, it's always Chan and Changbin, you're always there to fuck up everything"

He clenched his jaw and his fist before he started to breathe heavily. "excuse me?" he scoffed and rolled his sleeves.

"what?? isn't it true? you want to hit me? go ahead! I'm sick already with your bullshit Minho! C'mon hit me! kill me if you want to!" she raised her voice making the man's blood boiled even more.

He raised his hand and the girl closed her eyes, ready to feel the hit he was about to give but the impact never coming.

He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes before turning to the man next to him who held him from slapping the girl.

"we have mission, stop it already" Felix calmly said before pushing Lee Know's hand away and turned to the girl, pulling her to stand.

"I'm not finish yet with you, Kim Haemin"

Felix gave a glared to his hyung before rolling his eyes and dragging the girl away from the room to the living room where everyone's waiting at.


"we should give her earpiece, Lee Know, how can she succeed this mission without it?" Seungmin fought with Lee Know who only sat on the couch, crossing his arms over his chest.

"she have to learn, try to save yourself without us helping you" he said while staring directly to the girl who's checking the bullets.

Bangchan sighed heavily and shook his head, "you've gone insane, Lee Know, here Haemin, use this earpiece, a new one by the way" he smiled warmly and was about to hand the earpiece to the girl but Lee Know slapped the elder's hand away.

Lee Know glared to Bangchan, "I told you to not give it to her, why is it so hard for you to understand?" Bangchan closed his eyes and took a deep breath before facing the male, "who's the leader now huh? I know what's right and what's wrong"

Lee Know rolled his eyes and held the girl by her shoulders and pushed her to the door. "I will send her to the location" he said without turning to the boys.

Haemin turned to the boys but they could only give a sympathy look. "call me if you need help" Changbin mouthed and Haemin nodded her head a little before walking towards the car.


Lee Know stopped in front of the club and handed another gun. "you won't survive by one gun only" he muttered and unlocked the door.

"you better succeed on this mission, go home if you success, if not then I won't let you step inside the house until you finally kill the man we told you to"

Haemin grabbed the gun from the male before placing it under her skirt.

"even better to not go home then succeeding this mission" she mumbled under her breath. "excuse me?" Lee Know raised his eyebrows.

Haemin sighed and got off from the car, "fine"

"remember, use your fake identity!" he raised his voice a little, "yeah, I'm Lee Yujin, 25 years old" she muttered before slamming the door shut making the male inside the car flinched a little.

"this bitch..." he cursed under his breath before driving away from the club leaving the girl alone in front of the place she really hate.

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