chapter nine

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"hi Haemin"

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"hi Haemin"

Someone approached as soon as the door swung opened revealing a beautiful girl with long purple hair, walking inside her room with foods.

She smiled and walked besides the girl before placing the foods on her table in front of her.

"Jaemin has some business to deal with so I came here to visit you" she said and Haemin nodded her head before smiling a little.

'she seems nice'

"you don't have to" Haemin muttered quietly making the girl chuckled. "I want to, besides it would be great to accompany you here, you might be a little uncomfortable with guys around right?" she asked and Haemin lowered her head before slowly nodded her head.

'I do feel uncomfortable'

"I only bought you tteokbeokki, I don't know you like it or not" she muttered making the girl Haemin looked up facing her before turning to the food in front of her.

Haemin grinned and shook her head, "no it's fine, I like tteokbeokki, besides it's even better than foods here" Haemin joked and made the girl chuckled.

"oh I almost forgot to tell you my name, I'm Huang Bora" Haemin smiled and nodded her head before starting to eat.

Bora tilted her head and noticed the bruises on the girl's arms but she stopped herself from asking about it, afraid she might make the girls feel uncomfortable about it.

"how's Jaemin?" she asked making Haemin raised her eyebrows.

"Mr. Na? what about him?" she asked back making Bora chuckled and shrugged her shoulders before crossing her arms, leaning back on the chair.

"well what do you think of him? did he scares you?"

Haemin smiled and swallowed the food before giggling a little, "so we're talking about him?" Bora hummed and nodded her head.

Haemin pressed her lips into thin lines before pretending to think.

"well, he's cool" Bora raised her eyebrows, "cool?" Haemin nodded her head, "yeah, I found him cool and he didn't scares me, he bought me foods"

Bora nodded her head while smiling. "okay, okay, I see"

Haemin smiled and tilted her head, "why you don't found him cool?" Bora raised her eyebrows and laughed.

"no, it's not like that, I do found him cool- like yeah he's cool"

"oh! Do you want to hear a story?" Haemin nodded her head like a kid.

Bora grinned, "well I met him... a year ago, I went on a mission for almost 3 years" Haemin furrowed her eyebrows, "what mission until it takes 3 years?" Bora nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders before answering, "undercover"

Haemin's mouth formed into 'O' while nodding her head.

"I met Jaemin that time at the club nearby the location where Jaemin met you" Haemin nodded her head, attentively listening to her story.

"I was injured, my head's bleeding but luckily it's not too serious, Jaemin found me and he said he wants to treat my injuries but at first I denied but because of my worse condition that time I can't fight him" Bora chuckled.

"you really did the undercover mission? Like for real?"

Bora hummed and nodded her head, "you know Mafia gang, ATEEZ?" Haemin eyes went wide, "that mafia gang that already terminate??" Bora nodded her head again making Haemin eyes went wider.

"so you're that police girl!" she said in excitement making Bora tilted her head and raised her eyebrows, clueless.

A wide smile crept on Haemin's face, "my friend once told me about the story where this police girl went for undercover mission for 3 years- so that was you!"

Slowly a smile crept on Bora's face before she chuckled in amusement, "wow, I'm famous"

Haemin then tilted her head before furrowing her eyebrows, "wait my friend also told me that you're young too" Bora nodded her head, "I'm 02 liner"

"oh, so I'm older" Haemin said while pointing to herself, "I'm 00 liner" she added and Bora's face brightened up, "then you have the same age as Jaemin!" Bora said in excitement.

Haemin felt a bit relieved while having a conversation with Bora. She's really nice, Bora made her felt more comfortable and safe.

Bora brightened up her mood and she's so grateful for that.

"you're nice to talk to, I feel a bit relieve and comfortable around you, thank you" Bora chuckled and shook her head.
"it's nothing, don't mention it" Haemin laughed a little, "tell me more about your story, it's intriguing"

Bora nodded her head and continued telling more about her story and time passed by also the two of them gotten closer by getting know each other.

Bora's real intention is to know more about the girl so she can easily find any clues about her. But she doesn't want to be more straightforward by directly asking about her background life because it will make the girl feel more pressure.

And it works; Bora knew a little bit more about the girl's background life. Yes, not much, but it's better than nothing.

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