chapter seven

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He stared at the girl who is still unconscious outside from her room

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He stared at the girl who is still unconscious outside from her room. The surgery, taking out the bullets went well and seems like he have a lot of questions in his mind to ask the girl.

'why did she got shot?'

'what is the real reason she went to the club?'

'did she refused to obey to any guy and make the guy mad?'

'but isn't it too overboard to shot her just because of that?'

He sighed and crossed his arms before sat on the empty seat, still guessing anything about the girl. "that club... is where dangerous gang go" he mumbled to himself.

"don't tell me she..."

Just he was about to continue his words a voice called for him from far away. "Jaemin-ah!" he turned to the owner of the voice and waved his hand towards them.

"she hasn't awake yet?" Jeno asked as he turned to the girl inside the room and Jaemin just shook his head, replying to the elder.

Renjun furrowed his eyebrows and turned to Jaemin, "you haven't found anything from her?" the short one asked and Jaemin shook his head.

"her wallet, only"

The two of them sighed heavily. "looks like we need to inform this to Taeyong and he probably might want you to take this case"

Jaemin huffed, "it's been awhile since I haven't taken such a serious case like this, this is very difficult, what if she doesn't want to work with us? She denies telling us anything?"

Jeno chuckled and patted the youngest shoulder. "you can ask Haechan and Bora to help you" Jaemin pressed his lips into thin lines before turning back to the unconscious girl.


Jaemin dragged his feet towards Taeyong office right after he called for him.

He knocked on the door and twisted the knob, opening the door slowly after hearing "come in" from the elder inside the office.

"Mr. Na" Taeyong called and Jaemin bowed his head a little, "yes boss, you call me?"

Taeyong closed his file and turned his attention fully to the male in front of him. "I heard you saved a girl"

Jaemin nodded his head a little, "yes boss" he replied and Taeyong hummed.

"the first thing I want you to do is investigate her once she woke up, then if we got anything serious and important information from her, we will take this as case, can you do that for me?"

As much as Jaemin doesn't want to, he had to. It's his responsibility. After all, he's the one who found and saved the girl.

Jaemin pressed his lips into thin lines and nodded his head, "sure thing, boss"

Taeyong smiled after hearing the male's answer. "I know, I can trust you" he said before nodding his head, "okay, that's it what I want to tell you, once she woke up please inform it to me, okay?"

Jaemin nodded his head and bowed a little before walking out from the office before letting out a heavy sigh outside Taeyong's office.

He pinched the bridge of his nose before heading towards where his table at which is nearby with Bora's table.

"what did Taeyong said?" she asked once Jaemin sat on his seat.

Jaemin turned to the girl and smiled before shrugging his shoulders, "he wants me to investigate her first" Bora nodded her head while her mouth formed into 'O'

"aye, don't stressing about it so much, Na, if you need help or anything, you can ask me and Haechan okay?" Bora reminded while smiling warmly to the male.

Jaemin chuckled and nodded his head, "sure, thank you Minhee"

Bora scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes, "stop calling me with that name, you're making me remembers past memories" she said before continued focusing on her works again, leaving Jaemin giggling at the girl.


"she stays at orphanage since she was 5 years old, then the owner of the orphanage said she left the orphanage when she was 18 because she found stable job and place to live"

Renjun explained to Jaemin who attentively listening.

"I can't find information about her family, but it's confirmed her parents is still alive since the owner of the orphanage said her parents the one who send her there"

Jaemin sighed heavily before crossing his arms after listening to Renjun's explanation.

"I can't believe they did that to her" Jeno muttered and Renjun nodded his head agreeing with the male.

"we have to find more about her, her job especially because we can get the biggest clue if we know her occupations, how can she ended at the club and else" Jaemin blurted and the two of them nodded their head.

"but one of the nurse told me about some bruises on her body and most of them seems new" Jeno said and Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows.

"someone abused her?" Jaemin asked and Jeno shrugged his shoulders, "could happen since all the bruises are serious, I believe she won't do that to herself"

Jaemin hummed and nodded his head before patting Renjun's shoulders. "okay, thank you Renjun, Jeno, for the information, I will visit her" he said before grabbing his jacket and left.

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