chapter two

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Haemin entered the mansion with slow steps as her small figure followed Changbin from behind

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Haemin entered the mansion with slow steps as her small figure followed Changbin from behind. She grabbed Changbin's wrist, stopping both of them from walking forward.

He turned to the girl and raised his eyebrows before reading her face expression.

A sigh escaped from his mouth before he reached for her hand, "don't worry, I'm here" he reminded before continued dragging his feet to the living room, Haemin trailing behind him.

"where's Haemin?" the leader asked as they stepped into the living room, greeting all 7 boys.

Haemin slowly stepped aside, revealing herself making a guy who sitting on the couch, who had his jaw gritted, standing on his feet immediately.

"what the fuck are you thinking?!" he yelled to her making the girl flinched and hid behind Changbin once again.

"I just ask you to finish him, why did you ran away?! Why can't you do what I told you, stupid?!" Seungmin sighed and grabbed Lee Know, pulling him back.

"hyung, stop it, it's her first time doing this kind of mission..." he quietly spoke making the elder rolled his eyes and scoffed before slapping Seungmin's hand away.

"the only thing she has to do is pull the damn trigger, is it too hard to do?!" he said to the youngest before turning back to the poor girl.

"is it too hard to do huh Kim Haemin?!"

Bangchan sighed and shook his head before standing up pulling Lee Know who's stepping closer to the girl.

"stop it, we can kill that man next time"

Lee Know huffed, "next time? I want HER to go back there and kill him tonight" Lee Know said still stubborn.

Han frowned and rolled his eyes in annoyed. "hyung, she's your girlfriend, stop treating her like this"

Lee Know ignored the male words before dragging his feet to the girl and grabbed her wrist in a harsh way. "looks like I have to teach you" he said while gritting his teeth.

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows and tried to pull Haemin from the male. "Lee Know, you're insane, she's a girl, stop being so harsh!" he argued but Lee Know pushed the male away and dragged the girl to their basement.

Everyone could only sigh in disappointment, guilty eating them as they heard the girl screaming, begging for help.


"minho, please don't do this to me! I promise I will do better on the next mission! I promise!" she begged, hand clasped together as she stepped backwards.

"promise? How many promises have you told to me? fuck promises, you can't even finish a damn easy mission!" he said before his palm landed on the girl's cheek hard.

Tears rolling on the girl's cheeks like river as she held her red cheek.

"you changed a lot, this is not you!" she exclaimed as she looked up to the male. He raised his eyebrows and chuckled bitterly before crouching down.

"oh baby, I never change, it's just I never show you the real me before" he said before grabbing the girl's face and rolled his eyes.

"stop giving me that innocent look Haemin, you're the one who agree on this" he muttered but the girl continued to cry, shaking her head slowly.
"you forced me, I never agree on this, you said you will protect me, but now you putting my life in danger, you're the one who broke your promises first!"

His eyes glared towards the girl who's shaking, "so you're talking back now?" he muttered before pushing the girl away and stood, walking towards one specific table in the room.

She knew what will happen next. She knew she fucked up when his gaze change.

She crawled to the corner of the room and pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged it tightly. "I thought you already knew what will happen when you argue back, am I right?" he said, walking back towards the girl with a belt in his hand.

She shut her mouth tightly. There's nothing she could say anymore. She's weak. She couldn't fight him back.

'mom, dad, I'm sorry, I make you guys disappointed, I'm sorry, I choose the wrong path'

The room fills with screamed and begging as he continue beating her like there's no tomorrow and the girl screaming the top of her lungs, wishing that everything could just stop.


The room door swung opened making the girl slowly looked up to the door and tears rolled down on her cheeks even more.

The male sighed heavily as he stepped inside the room with first aid kid in his hand.

"Felix..." she cried and Felix sat down on the ground before pulling the girl closer to him, letting her cry on his shoulder.

He slowly patted her head in comforting way and nodded his head, "you can cry on me min, just let everything out" his deep but soft voice said making the girl sobbed.

"I can't do this anymore, I can't continue living like this anymore" she muttered with her weak voice making the male broke the hug and cupped her cheeks.

"hey, don't say that" he said, furrowing his eyebrows a little.

Haemin shook her head and sobbed once again before looking down. "I just wish I could go to sleep peacefully and never wake up, it would be better for me, I'm tired of suffering like this"

Felix wept her tears with his thumb before pulling the girl into his warm embrace again, "better for you but not for me; you have me and Changbin hyung remember? Other members are also there for you too"

"trust me, you will get away with this one day, you will find your happiness one day, you can live freely one day, just keep hoping Haemin, you're almost there, keep fighting and don't give up"

Haemin closed her eyes shut as she buried her head on his chest. "but when, Felix? I never want this, I never ask to be born as a weak girl, I never ask to be born"

Felix broke the hug, "let's stop talking about this, hm? Your bruises are worse, I should treat it before it get infected"

He muttered before opening the first aid kid as Haemin eyed the male guy in front of her.
'at least, there are still people who still care and protect her'

"you're almost there, keep fighting and don't give up"

'I'm almost there...? am i?'

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