chapter thirty one

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Jaemin sighed in relief before bowing to the doctor

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Jaemin sighed in relief before bowing to the doctor.
The doctor smiled and patted his shoulders before walking away leaving the man alone in front of Haemin's room.

He slowly twisted the knob and walked inside quietly. He smiled while watching the girl sleeping peacefully.

He sighed again as he saw her casted arm.
She just broke her leg a few months ago and now arm. Poor girl.

He stared at her sleeping figure while caressing her hair softly. "I'm glad you're safe now, Haemin... there's nothing you should be worry about now" he muttered quietly.

He furrowed his eyebrows when his phone buzzed.

"princess, I will go out for a while okay" he got up and kissed her forehead before leaving the room.


"these are the only information I could find"
Renjun said handing a file to Jaemin.

"Kim Seokmin and Lee Haera, both of Haemin's parents" Renjun muttered. "where are they now?" Jaemin asked while reading the information.

"Lee Haera now is at the care center for elderly in Jeonju and Kim Seokmin..."

Jaemin raised his eyebrows, waiting for Renjun's next words. "he died 3 years ago"

"What was the cause of the death?" Jaemin asked.

"They ran away from the debt, I guess that also explain why they put Haemin at the orphanage- Seokmin lost control and the brake was not functioning that time, so they bumped into a truck"

Jaemin sighed heavily.
"how do I tell Haemin about this?"

Renjun pressed his lips into thin lines.
"I don't think you should tell Haemin about her father's death yet... Bring her to meet her mother first, she will understand everything then"

Jaemin nodded his head and closed the file letting out another sigh.

"oh by the way, how was Haemin? Taeyong hyung already arrested both Kwon Jisuk and Stray Kids"

Jaemin shrugged his shoulders, "she's fine but she broke her right arm"
Renjun nodded his head, "glad to hear that- she can finally live without getting scare about her surrounding anymore"

Renjun took out something from his pocket and handed it to Jaemin.
"oh yeah- give this to Haemin, it's from Felix"


"Haemin! Oh my god!"
Bora and Dohee ran towards the girl before pulling her into a hug. "you are fine right? Look at your arm..." Bora pouted.

Haemin smiled, "I'm fine, this is only a little- it'll heal in a few months" Dohee placed a basket of fruits on the table. "you're very brave Haemin, respect" Bora nodded her head, agreeing with the girl.

"where's Jaemin?" Haechan asked. Haemin shook her head, "maybe he went out, I woke up but he's not here"

Just then the door swung opened, revealing Jaemin with a plastic of foods and coffees in his hands.

Haemin raised her eyebrows and smiled sweetly towards the man. "You awake!" he said and immediately ran to her side.
"yeah she woke up earlier but you're not beside her" Dohee said.

Jaemin pouted a little, "I'm sorry princess- I went to meet Renjun and buy foods for you" he said placing the foods in front of her. "I bought you, your favorite coffee too"

Bora smiled widely staring at the two while holding Haechan's hands, remembering the day when Haechan's visited her at the hospital.

"thank you Jaem"
Jaemin smiled widely and pulled the chair to sit beside her. "are you hungry? let me feed you"

Dohee stared at her brother and Bora before turning to Haemin and Jaemin who were smiling to each other, both eyes sparkling.

"damn, I never feel so single before" she muttered before exiting the room.

"we will leave you two together and go eat at the cafeteria downstairs" Bora said before pulling Haechan with her, exiting the room, leaving the two alone.

Jaemin chuckled, "does your arm feel hurt?" he asked in a soft voice. Haemin shook her head, "it's hurt but not too much" she replied before eating the food.

"glad to hear that- I was dead worry for you" he muttered before staring at all the wounds and some scars on her face.
"what did they do to you, princess?"

Haemin pursed her lips together, "they hit my head right after I enter the building, then as soon as I woke up, they threw a bucket of ice to me, that's still fine"

"they forced me to tell them why am I there and where are the other members but I refuse to tell them and ignored them"

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows and nodded his head, while listening attentively to the girl.

"They started to hit me by smacking me face and when one of them tried to headlock me but I bite his arm, that's how they started to get angrier and use baseball bat"

Jaemin stared at her in disbelief and his jaw dropped.
"Haemin... you okay...?"

Haemin laughed and nodded her head, "yeah I am!"

'She's a different breed' -Jaemin

How can she look so calm while telling about how worse they abuse her?
"if you want me to do anything to them, you can tell me Haemin- I could still give a good punch on their face and break their nose"

Haemin grinned and shrugged her shoulders, "I mean if you do want to then go ahead, no one's stopping you"

Both of them burst into laughter together.

"you indeed a very strong woman, Haemin" Jaemin said while smiling proudly at her. Haemin smiled widely, patting her head with her left arm.
"you did well, Haemin, you did well"

Jaemin chuckled, "the doctor said that you will discharge after a few days here- what do you want to do first after you discharge?"

Haemin hummed and nodded her head.
"I want to meet Minho"

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