chapter thirty three

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Haemin looked out from the window and stared at the building in front of her

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Haemin looked out from the window and stared at the building in front of her. She tilted her head before turning to Jaemin.
"what are we doing here, Jaem?"

Jaemin flashed a warm smile before undid his seatbelt. "let's go inside"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but still listened to him by undid her seatbelt and got off from the car.

She followed him who's walking inside the Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly. She looked around and saw some elders sitting at the garden.
There's one lady who was petting one cute cat while talking to it.
There's also one man who was talking to one of the nurse there and she could only nodded her head and smile to him.

Jaemin headed towards the counter, approaching the nurse.

"yes, may I help you?" she asked and Jaemin nodded his head. "I'm looking for patient Lee Haera"

Hearing the name, Haemin snapped her head towards him and raised her eyebrows but Jaemin didn't turn to her and waited for the nurse.
She looked around again before turning to the nurse.

The nurse smiled and called another nurse there.
"oh Mrs. Lee Haera, she's at the garden, let me bring you to her"

Jaemin turned to Haemin and chuckled softly before grabbing her hands, "let's go" she said nothing and just followed him.

The nurse leaded them to the garden before pointing towards one lady sitting in a wheelchair. "she always at the garden around this hour to watch the sunset" Haemin furrowed her eyebrows.

"why is she... on a wheelchair? What happened to her?"

"she got into an accident..."

She turned to Jaemin again and he smiled a little, "go ahead, approach her, it's been years isn't it?" she nodded her head before turning to the lady which is her mother that she hasn't met for years.

With a heavy heart she walked towards her and slowly approached her.


The lady turned her head towards Haemin before staring at her without saying anything. Haemin kneeled down and raised her eyebrows, "mom? it's me... do you still remember me?"

Haera tilted her head before flashing a sweet smile, "you're a very pretty girl" she muttered and Haemin furrowed her eyebrows.

"it's me, Kim Haemin, your daughter, do you remember me?" she asked which made her mother frowned, "daughter?" she slowly shook her head.

"no, my daughter is 5 years old, she has a short black hair and love drawing... You're not my daughter"

Her heart stopped and tears slowly building in her eyes.
"what... are you talking about?" she bitterly chuckled and gently grabbed her hand, "mom, it's me your daughter, your daughter already grown up"

Still Haera shook her head before sighing, "no... my daughter is still 5 years old, I left her at the orphanage... I need to see her, I really miss her" she gasped a little and looked at Haemin.

"can you... can you bring me to my daughter? I feel so bad to left her at the orphanage, I promise to pick her up and won't be gone for a long time, she must been so sad there"

Tears slowly rolled down on Haemin's cheeks as she heard those words.
There's no way. There's no way her mother forgot her.


She started to cry hardly before pulling a small picture from her bag. She showed it to her mother before pointing the picture then to herself.
"this is me- I'm Haemin"

Haera slowly reached for the picture from Haemin and smiled warmly at it. "you have a picture of my daughter... is she doing well? I want to meet her and make her favorite meals" she chuckled before caressed the picture.

Haemin couldn't believe what she just heard.
She stared at her mother's face that she hasn't meet for years. She looks same, still the same like before, still beautiful like before.

"mom... where's dad?"

Haera smile faded and she looked up to Haemin.
"my husband?" she looked down on the necklace around her neck before pursuing her lips together.

"we had a fight, I told her to not leave my daughter at the orphanage but he's stubborn and doesn't listen to me... I... I don't know where he is now... or I-I guess he went to pick up my daughter at the orphanage!"

Haemin turned to Jaemin and he could only stare at her in sadness.

"can I have this picture, my daughter is so cute here" Haera asked without looking up to Haemin, still staring at the baby picture of Haemin with a soft smile.

Haemin pressed her lips together and wept her tears before slowly nodded her head, "yeah... you can have it"
Haera looked up to her and smiled warmly, "you're a very sweet girl, thank you so much... if you meet my daughter again, please tell her I'm sorry and I miss her so much, I love her so much... She's my only daughter I have"

Haemin took a deep breath before nodding her head again, flashing a small smile to her.

She got up and slowly left her mother alone who was still staring at the picture, caressing it softly.

She walked to the nurse that was standing beside Jaemin and asked, "what happened to her?"

The nurse turned to Haera before smiling softly, "she has dementia after got into an accident with her husband"
Haemin raised her eyebrows, "what happened to her husband? What happened to my father?"

The nurse pursed her lips together before slowly shook her head.
Jaemin sighed softly, "your father... he didn't survive"

Haemin could feel her heart stopped and she fell right after hearing it but gladly the nurse and Jaemin was quick enough to catch her.

He picked her up and bowed to the nurse before bringing her to the bench.
She looked at him with her red eyes, "it's not true right? Don't lie about death Jaem..." Jaemin shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Haemin, he's gone 3 years ago"
more tears rolled down on her cheeks. Jaemin brought her into his warm embrace and patted her head softly.

She clenched her fist and buried her head on his chest, "I'm too late Jaemin... I couldn't meet him and tell him that I'm doing great"
Jaemin sighed and placed his chin on top of her head, letting the girl cry as much as she want.

"I'm so sorry Haemin..."

That's the only words he could say. He doesn't have anything left to say because even he, himself is still speechless about what happen in her life.
She doesn't deserve this.

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