chapter thirty five

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"I'm home!"

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"I'm home!"

Jaemin took off his shoes and sighed heavily before walking inside his apartment. "princess?" he called out and walked inside the kitchen, seeing the girl cooking.

His eyes widened a little, "princess! Are you hungry? I told you I will cook for you" he said with worry laced his tone.
He tried to stop her from cooking, "your arm is still hurt right? No, no, no, you will get hurt, Haeminie..."

Haemin chuckled and shook her head before turning off the stove. "It's fine, I already finished cooking, nana" she turned to him and smiled at the man who's furrowing his eyebrows with an innocent smile on her face.

"you always worry me" he sighed and Haemin held both of his shoulders before bringing him to the living room.

"there's nothing to worry about, Jaem... wait here, I will make coffee for you"

He frowned, "princess- no it's fine, I can make my own coffee-" "you're tired and just got back from work, I will make it for you" she chuckled and kissed his cheeks but regretted her action. She immediately pulled away and covered her nose.

"ah- you're smelly!" she said jokingly before shoeing him away. He raised his eyebrows and laughed before pulling the girl towards him. "how dare you!" "ah Jaemin! Go take a shower first!" he giggled and kissed her cheeks making the girl shrieked.

"Go take a shower first, Jaemin then we'll eat together"

He got up from the couch while playfully rolled his eyes, "sure, my princess" he chuckled and dragged his feet to his bedroom.


Jaemin eyed all the meals before looking up to the smiley girl.
"I don't cook a lot because I'm scared we couldn't finish it" he smiled and patted her head softly.

"try it! This is my first time cooking for you"

He nodded his head and grabbed a spoon before tasting the foods she made. She clasped her hands together, grinning as she stared at Jaemin, waiting for his reaction.

He raised his eyebrows and looked up to her.
"it's great"

"really? just great or really great?"

He chuckled and took another taste, "it's great but not really great- that's fine! It's your first time trying" she smiled and nodded her head.
"I want to learn cook from your mom" she muttered and Jaemin nodded his head, "sure! of course you can, she would love to teach you"

Haemin smile widened, "I love your mom, can we visit your parents again?" she asked and Jaemin hummed, "of course we can! I'm glad you love my parents" he muttered.

A few days ago, Jaemin brought Haemin to meet his parents and introduced her to them. She was scared and nervous about what will their reactions will be but after his mother pulled her into her warm embrace and his father flashed a warm smile to her, she felt relief.

His mother told her about Jaemin's childhood, how Jaemin used to help her doing charity and how he persuaded to both of her parents to become a policeman.

Haemin did tell about her life, her parents and how she met Jaemin.
But never once Jaemin's mother say anything bad about her, the woman just flashed a soft smile and give advices and comforting words.

"we can be your second parents, you make my son happy and we're glad that he met a kind girl like you, you can count on us"
What Jaemin's father said to her.

Guess that she already found her happiness.
Jaemin is her happiness. 

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