chapter twenty two

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Haemin fluttered her eyes opened and looked to the right of the bed but found no one

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Haemin fluttered her eyes opened and looked to the right of the bed but found no one. 'he left already I guess' -her thought.

She then sat up on the bed before remembering the scene last night. A smile crept on her face as she covered her heated face. 'what the heck just happened? We sleep together last night? cuddling?' -her thought.

Haemin shook her head before giving a light slap on her face then got off from the bed.

She looked down on herself and finding herself in Jaemin's mint hoodie making the girl smile again. She could feel her heart beating rapidly just by his small action. But then her smile faded when she suddenly remember about Lee Know.

"ah c'mon, why do you think about him, Kim Haemin?" she scolded herself while shaking her head and headed towards the bathroom.


A few hours ago...

Jaemin fluttered his eyes opened slowly before furrowing his eyebrows, looking around.

His attention then stopped to the girl beside him that still in his arm. A small smile crept on his face as he tucked her hair behind her ear.
"beautiful" he muttered quietly while admiring her face adoringly.

He chuckled before turning to the clock on the wall and slowly pulled his arm from the girl, very carefully so the girl won't wake up.

He then went to his room before started to do his usual morning routine by taking a shower.

His mind only occupied by the scene that happened between the girl and him last night. He couldn't help but blushed when he remember the way she slowly hugged him back.

It was indeed a real good sleep for him.

He chuckled to himself, "what are you doing to me Kim Haemin?" he said to himself while staring at his own reflection on the mirror.
He never felt this feeling before. His heart never beat so fast for someone like this before. But Haemin, once he met Haemin, all the feelings he never felt came towards him. He slowly is falling deeper for the girl.

Time skip and he walked towards Haemin's room but only to see the girl is still sleeping peacefully in his hoodie.

He smiled and decided to let the girl sleep more and headed towards the kitchen, preparing the breakfast for both of them.


Haemin walked inside the kitchen with a smile as she smells something delicious.

"good morning Haemin" Jaemin greeted and Haemin smiled wider before responding to him, "good morning too! What do you cook for breakfast?" she asked and Jaemin placed a plate of fried rice on the table, in front of her.

"special fried rice" he said with a proud smile on his face.

Haemin smiled widely before taking a seat in front of Jaemin and stared at the food with her sparkling eyes. "I haven't eat fried rice in a while" she said while Jaemin handing the spoon for her.

Jaemin nodded his head and took a seat in front of her before started to eat his breakfast.

"should we go outside today? I feel like I want to bring you to my favorite candy shop then we can meet my friends, discuss about something"

Haemin swallowed the food before looking up to Jaemin, "candy shop??" she asked as her face lit up and Jaemin hummed. "yes, candy shop, you love sweets right? consider today is your lucky day"

Haemin giggled and nodded her head before continue enjoy her fried rice. Jaemin chuckled softly at her cuteness.

Haemin then cleared her throat before looking up to Jaemin.

"Jaemin-ah" Jaemin hummed and looked up to her while raising his eyebrows. she pursed her lips before avoiding his stare. "uhm so... we cuddled last night..." her statements made a blush crept on Jaemin face.

"so uh... does that mean I cheated on my boyfriend?" she asked hesitantly.

'ah, I almost forgot about her shitty boyfriend' -Jaemin's thought.

Jaemin placed down his spoon before swallowing his food and hummed. "you still consider him as your boyfriend? After everything he did to you?" Jaemin asked and Haemin pouted a little while shrugging her shoulders.

"well... he never ask to break up" she innocently replied.

"he abused you... he put your life in a danger situation, you almost die and it's also because of him, now you think" Jaemin calmly replied making Haemin nodded her head slowly.

"well yeah, you're not wrong though, we never even sleep together or even shared our first kiss" Haemin bluntly said making Jaemin's eyes went wide.

"woah woah, that's too much of fyi but- for real???" he asked in disbelief. Gossiping mode activated in both of them as Haemin slowly placed down her spoon and nodded her head rapidly.

"well once I move inside with his gang, I have my own room and yeah he just do his things, I don't know why he started to act like he had no girlfriend when I move there, he then started to force me to train myself, shooting and fighting"

Jaemin's jaw dropped as a disgust expression plastered on his face.

"then what's the point of calling you as his girlfriend?" he asked and Haemin's eyes went wide, "right?! I don't get it too, every time we had a fight, other members would try to pull me away and stop him but he will said, "she's my girlfriend, stay out of our business" I mean like- boyfriends don't hurt their girlfriends??"

Jaemin sighed heavily while shaking his head, "now I really want to meet him so I could give at least a good punch- oh trust me if you tell this to Bora she will explode, she can't see anyone abused someone" he said and Haemin raised her eyebrows, "really??" Jaemin hummed and nodded his head.

"I still remember when Kwon Hyunsuk kidnapped Haechan's sister, she risked her life just to save Dohee and other girls, I respect her so much, even she's younger than us, she's really amazing" he said making Haemin smile in amusement after hearing his story about Bora.

The gossips then continued until they finished their breakfast.

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