chapter twenty six

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The sun rose up and Haemin was busy in front of the mirror putting on the new bandage

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The sun rose up and Haemin was busy in front of the mirror putting on the new bandage. She's been doing it for half an hour already since it's not easy.

She planned to go meet Bora today because she said Jeno will train her. At first, Jaemin didn't let her, worrying about her wound but Haemin convinced him that everything will be fine.

A little wound will be fine.
All she wants to do is to close her old book and started a new life.


Jaemin's eyes went wide and froze as he saw the girl only with her track pants and with her sport bra. "I'm sorry! I thought you haven't waked up!" he said and turned around was about to walk away.

"wait wait Jaemin!"

He stopped and stayed at the same position.

She chuckled and rolled her eyes, "it's fine, I'm not naked Jaem- can you help me with this bandage?" she asked and Jaemin hesitantly turned around to face her.
She grinned at his cuteness and shook her head while laughing.

He walked towards her and pressed his lips into thin lines before grabbing the bandage from the girl and wrapped it nicely around her arm.

Eyes not looking anywhere and only stayed on her arm.

He gulped and cleared his throat, "do you have to do this? what if you get hurt again?" he asked and Haemin smiled.

"I'll be careful, I promise"

He sighed once he finished wrapping the bandage around her arm. "but I can't send you to Bora's place... I have a lot of work to do today, how you will go to her place?"
"take the cab and walk"

He frowned, "that's dangerous, what if the guy who stabbed your arm came up to you again?"
Haemin blinked multiple times before smile innocently, "I'll punch him in the face"

Jaemin sighed and crossed his arms, looking at the girl sternly.
"I will ask Bora to pick you up"

Haemin rolled her eyes, "c'mon Jaemin" she rolled her eyes, "don't you trust me? it'll be fine" Jaemin narrowed his eyes still unconvinced.

She sighed and stood before placing a peck on his cheek making his eyes widened.
"trust me"

He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, "really? you did this for what?"

She grinned and shrugged her shoulders making the man sighed again. "tch, you're very stubborn- fine! just please be careful" he said before grabbing her shirt on the bed and threw it on her.

"I'll get going first then, please eat breakfast first" he said and was about to walk away but stopped making Haemin confused.

He slowly turned and smirked.
"can I get another kiss?"

A blush crept on her face and she smacked his arm, "just go to work, I already gave one!" Haemin pushed him to the door making the man whined.
"just one more, on my left cheek" he said while giving his puppy eyes to her.

Haemin shook her head making Jaemin pouted.

He lowered his head and slowly turned, "I'll get going now..." he said weakly and Haemin hummed. He turned to her again and Haemin furrowed her eyebrows before burst into laughter.

"just go Jaem!~"

As he was about to walk away he quickly turned around and placed a kiss on her cheek before running out from the apartment, leaving the girl in shock.
"bye bye princess!~"


The cab stopped and the driver smiled to Haemin, "miss, we have arrived"

Haemin handed an amount of money to the driver while thanking the driver before exiting the cab.

The cab drove away and Haemin walked towards her destination.

"you will see a convenience store then turned left" she mumbled to herself while reading the text she received from Bora a few hours ago.

She looked up to the convenience store and turned left entering an alley. "so this is a shortcut" Haemin muttered before walking straight when she see a neighborhood not so far away.

Everything was fine at first, just a normal day people go to work or just got back from night shift and some ladies just got back from the supermarket from buying groceries.

But suddenly soft steps could be heard from behind Haemin.
She furrowed her eyebrows when the person started to fasten their pace making Haemin panicked.

She immediately turned around and a man with mask on attacked her by pulling her into a headlock. He pulled a napkin to cover her face but Haemin was quick enough bite his arm and pushed him away.

She was panicked because she has no weapon or anything that she could use to protect her and there's nothing that she found around to help her defending herself.

"if he touch you and went overboard, kick him in his balls"

Yes. Right.
Thanks Wooyoung.

Haemin quickly kick him in the balls where the sun doesn't shine making the man fell to the ground while groaning. "you again" she scoffed before kicking his stomach and ran away towards Bora's house.

Guess today is her lucky day, Bora is waiting outside of her house while looking around. She narrowed her eyes and raised her eyebrows in confusion when she saw Haemin running like she just seen a ghost towards her house.

"hey, hey, what's wrong?" Bora asked in panicked but Haemin shook her head and pulled the younger into the house.
Bora furrowed her eyebrows.

"you okay?" Haemin sighed in relief before smiling and nodded her head. "a man... a man tried to hurt me earlier" Bora's eyes widen and she grabbed a baseball bat behind the door immediately.

"where is him?! let me handle him!" she said while holding the bat, reading to hit someone.

Haemin looked around and shook her head before pulling the girl into her house, "it's fine, I'm fine, I'm not hurt and he's gone"

Bora frowned, "but who knows that man is Kwon Jisuk's man? Let me finish him, Haemin"

The loud voice from the living room brought Jeno and Renjun to go downstairs. "it's fine Bora, no worries, trust me" Bora pouted a little and placed down her bat.

"I was ready to beat that jerk..." she said before placing the bat away.

Jeno and Renjun shared a look before both shrugged their shoulders. "Haemin, you're here, should we start the training" Jeno spoke and Haemin nodded her head.

They brought Haemin to the gym room- Oh, Renjun and Bora just moved to another house a few months ago which is much better and huge.

"woah, this is cool, I haven't step into gym in a while" Haemin said, looking around before pinching the fat on her stomach making Renjun laughed.

"Jaemin must have taken care of you great, you look better than the first time we saw you" Renjun said and Bora hummed, "you look very thin before" she rolled her eyes, "your boyfriend is really- tch" she shook her head while wearing a boxing gloves.

Jeno flashed a warm smile to Haemin, "should we warm up first?"

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