chapter thirteen

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She furrowed her eyebrows while snuggling more into the comfy blanket

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She furrowed her eyebrows while snuggling more into the comfy blanket. She fluttered her eyes opened and sat up on the bed, turning to the window, staring at the raindrops.

She sighed heavily before turning to the clock on the wall in front of her, "12 am" she mumbled to herself before taking off the blanket that covering her body and grabbed her crutches.

She slowly made her steps out from the room, heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

She realized the house is dark, meaning that Jaemin hasn't arrived home yet. "does police always go home this late?" she quietly asked herself while her hand busy grabbing the glass from the cabinets.

Once she finished drinking, she walked towards the living room, slowly sat on the couch, staring out through the window.
"it rains heavily tonight"

She actually already drove to the dreamland earlier past 10 but the thunderstorm woke the girl from her deep peaceful sleep.

She leaned back on the couch before letting out a heavy sigh, still staring outside through the window.

"I still wonder if mom can sleep peacefully now" she said to herself, remembering the memories about her mother usually sleep with the girl since both of them scared of thunderstorm.

Both of them comfort each other- but being the mother to the girl, of course she has to become stronger and the one who usually comforts her daughter that crying even she's also scared of the thunderstorm.


"mom, I'm scared" little Haemin said as she slowly opened the door of her parent's bedroom. Both of her parents fluttered their eyes opened.
"oh sweetie, come here" the sweet voice of her mother called, patting the space between her and her husband.

Haemin waddled towards them with her small teddy bear in her arm and climbed on the bed lying between her parents.
"both of you are really cute" her father said before ruffling her mother's hair and her hair. He chuckled and hugged them both in his arms. "I love mom and dad so much" Haemin muttered making they chuckled.

"we love you more sweetie" they said.
Her father smiled warmly and placed a kiss on top of mother's head and her forehead. "sweet dream my loves" he muttered.


Unknowingly, tears rolling on her cheeks, missing both of her parents.

Every night, she always wonder what happened to them, she always wonder if they're doing fine and she always wonder if they still remember her, praying for her safety.


A voice approached the girl making her quickly wept her tears on her cheeks and turned to the door, seeing Jaemin.

"oh, you're home" she greeted and he hummed, "and you're not asleep yet?" he asked. The girl shook her head and grinned a little, "I suddenly woke up and felt thirsty" she explained and Jaemin nodded his head.

He tilted his head a little, examining the girl before walking away towards his room, leaving the girl alone in the living room again.

Haemin sighed before pressing her lips tightly and cleared her throat.

She grabbed her crutches and was about to get up, heading back towards her room but she was stopped by Jaemin who's in front of her.

He handed a box of cream.

"put that on your bruises, it should be treated" he said and the girl accepted the cream from him while nodding her head, mumbling a small thank you.

"you scared of the thunderstorm?" he asked while making his way towards the kitchen.

Haemin raised her eyebrows and blinked multiple times, "how... did you know?" she quietly asked before decided to sit back on the couch.

Jaemin chuckled, "I can read people easily, Kim Haemin" he said while making the coffee, "you want coffee? We can have a little talk until you're sleepy" he offered.

Haemin smiled before nodding her head, "that would be great" she replied and Jaemin prepared another coffee for the girl.

After a few minutes, Jaemin came back with two cups of coffee in his hands.

"how's your legs?" he asked while placing the coffee in front of the girl. She nodded her head, "it's not heal fully yet of course, but I tried walking little by little this morning and I did it, it just hurting my knees a little"

Jaemin sighed before furrowing his eyebrows, "don't force yourself on it, you want to heal quickly- how about your stomach, does it still hurts?" he asked and the girl shook her head with a small smile.

"aye, you're too worried about me, don't you think so, Mr. Na?" she asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and shook his head before muttering a small, "whatever" making the girl giggled.

"why do scared of thunderstorm?" he suddenly asked, picking random topic of conversation.

Haemin shrugged her shoulders while taking a sip from the coffee, "it's just scary- it's startling me and the sound is very disturbing, I hate it"

Jaemin nodded his head while humming.

Haemin turned to Jaemin before tilting her head, "what about you do you scared of thunderstorm?" she asked and Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows before chuckling, "why should i? no I don't"

He turned to the girl who's enjoying the coffee he made for her, "I'm really curious about you Haemin" he muttered.

"I really curious about who actually are you- okay you told me before you're not ready to tell everything yet but can I at least know a little about your family?"

She glanced towards Jaemin before slowly lowering the cup.

She let out a small sigh and looked up to Jaemin again. He had his eyes fixed on the girl, waiting for her to spill anything.

"well my parents... they threw me away- something like that" she said before lowering her head. "they said they're going for a business trip and they can't bring me with them, but then they place at orphanage and never came back"

"I tried... I tried to look for them but I can't find them" she said and looked up to Jaemin again who attentively listening.

"They left me while I'm still young... I never know what I did until they have to do that- they said they love me so much but why did they do that?"

Jaemin nodded his head in understanding. "do you have any siblings?" he asked and she slowly shook their head, "no, I'm the only child- but I don't know if they do have another kids- ah whatever, I don't wanna know, it just keep hurting my head and my heart even more"

Jaemin nodded his head once again before his attention averted to her arms that are bruises. "then can I ask about that bruises?" he quietly asked.

Haemin looked down on her bruises before slowly caressing her bruises.

"it's..." she pressed her lips into thin lines before looked up to Jaemin. He nodded his head, signaling her to go ahead and tell him about it.

"it's from my boyfriend"

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