chapter twenty seven

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Time skipped and everyone's now busy with preparing themselves for the mission, making sure that everything is ready especially the weapon

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Time skipped and everyone's now busy with preparing themselves for the mission, making sure that everything is ready especially the weapon.

"I guess we have a little problem here" Mingi voiced out and everyone turned to him, waiting for his next word.

"we don't know where Kwon Jisuk's base at" he continued.

Haemin smiled and shook her head, "actually no, we do" she said and Taeyong smiled, "yeah, we do, don't worry Mingi"

Taeyong opened his laptop and typed something before turning the laptop screen towards everyone. "the day, I discuss about this at Bora's place, after knowing that somebody followed Haemin, I'm sure that he will come back to her again and I'm right"

Jaemin raised his eyebrows, "he went to attack you again?" he asked Haemin in concerned and the girl nodded. "but don't worry! I'm fine"

"I handed a tracker to Haemin and ask her to bring with her everywhere she goes just in case he suddenly attack. Haemin is very smart to remember my word and she place the tracker with the man so we already the location of Kwon Jisuk's base"


Flashback to the day Haemin was on her way to Bora's place.

She struggled to pull the small tracker from her pocket while he was headlocking her. She bites his hand and sneakily placed the tracker inside his pocket while pushing him away.

She kicked him in his balls and kicked his stomach before ran away.


Mark chuckled in amusement, "wow, you're amazing Haemin" she smiled and nodded her head. Taeyong smiled and raised his eyebrows, "so do we have have any problems left?" he asked and everyone shook their heads.

"then we can proceed with our plan, Haemin you are very ready right?" she nodded her head, "yeah, I already done a lot of others dangerous mission before, I'm more than ready" Taeyong laughed and nodded his head.

"okay then, how about Ateez?"

They all nodded, "everything's ready" Seonghwa replied and Taeyong turned to others, "how about others? Jaemin? Bora?"

Both of them nodded their head, "yeah, we're ready, let's beat some jerks" Bora said.

Taeyong smiled and nodded his head proudly.
"okay then, we'll see each other tomorrow"


Knock Knock!

Haemin turned to the door and Jaemin slowly walk inside. She raised her eyebrows, "yes, Mr. Na?" he grinned and shook his head. He took a seat on the bed beside Haemin. "nothing, just want to make sure you okay"

She smiled, "I'm always okay, nana"

He hummed and nodded his head, "I'm really worried what will happen tomorrow, princess, I don't want you to get hurt" she sighed and moved closer towards him, "why are you such a baby, Jaem? I'll be fine, maybe I'll get hurt a little but it'll be fine"

"even if I don't want this... do I even have a choice?"

The man sighed and pulled her into his warm embrace. He rested his head above her head and patted her head softly.
"thank you for staying strong, princess, you're very strong to not give up in your life, thank you" she hummed and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"thank you also for be there for me and take care of me Jaemin, I've never felt this happy before"

He broke the hug and smiled warmly to the girl, "I will always be there for you and make you happy, princess" she replied the smile.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked outside through the window when it suddenly rain. "oh?" Jaemin raised his eyebrows, "it suddenly rains" he muttered and she hummed.
He grinned, "then... can we sleep together? because you know... you scared of the thunder right?"

Haemin chuckled and nodded her head before getting under the blanket.

He lie down next to her and pulled her closer towards him, "yes, princess?"

She pressed her lips into thin lines, "if anything happens to me tomorrow..." she looked up to him and he sighed before shaking his head. "no, you'll be fine, we'll be fine, you have to hear my answer, don't you want to be mine, hm?"

She blushed and looked away, "shut up"

He giggled and pinched her cheeks, "let's talk about anything else" he said before thinking of any topic to talk about.
"oh... don't you want to search for your parents?"

Haemin looked down, "my parents...?"

Jaemin tucked her hair behind her ear and nodded his head, "don't you miss them?" she shook her head, "they left me, I don't see any reason why I have to search for them"

It's been almost 16 years since the last time she met her parents.

She still remember when the lady that taking care of her at the orphanage told her that her parents left her there and they won't pick her anymore.

She still remember how she cried when another family came to pick her to be their daughter but she denied and kept saying that her parents were still alive and they will come back.

Even when she knows, they won't come back.

"why? maybe it was a mistake and they regret it now, probably they are out there also searching for you" Haemin frowned a little and sighed, "I don't know Jaem, I haven't see them for 16 years know, they left me when I was still little, when I was barely know how the world works"

He nodded his head, "I understand Haemin... but they at least need to know that you're here alive and doing great"

She pursed her lips together, "you think so?" he nodded his head, "I'm not forcing you to find your parents but it's better if you meet them again, they're your parents, the one who brought you to this world"

She looked up to him, "I'll help you finding them, don't worry" he muttered and she slowly nodded her head, "okay then... maybe we can try"

He chuckled and kissed her cheeks, "it's getting late already, we will have a long day tomorrow, go to sleep" he said and she nodded her head, "goodnight nana"

he closed his eyes and tighten the hug, "goodnight princess"

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