chapter eight

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It's been 2 days since Jaemin saved the girl

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It's been 2 days since Jaemin saved the girl.

And now Jaemin is on his way towards her room with food in his hand. The nurse called him, informing that the girl just awake a few hours ago.

That's what Jaemin wants to hear since 2 days ago. It's only 2 days but all the curiosity inside him is killing him. He wants to ask all questions he has in his mind.

The questions and guesses that keep him up at night.

He knocked on the door and opened the door carefully, not wanting to the girl to get scared. She turned to the door and stared at Jaemin.

Jaemin walked inside the room and walked besides her, placing the food on the table. "Na Jaemin" he said while showing his police id card making the girl straighten her back.

"you're one who call the ambulance for me?" she quietly asked and Jaemin grinned before taking a seat and nodded his head.

"I have a lot to ask but you're probably hungry so I will ask you while you're eating" he said and pointed towards the food in front of her. "I bought it for you, eat it"

The girl nodded her head and quietly thanked Jaemin before opening the food packaging.

"so you're Kim Haemin"

The girl named Haemin raised her head, looking at the male while raising her eyebrows. Jaemin placed her wallet that he kept in front of her.

"your wallet, you have your id inside it"

Haemin nodded her head and grabbed her wallet, keeping it with her before continued eating peacefully. "do you have any relatives so I can call them?" he asked.

Haemin stopped eating and pressed her lips into thin line, swallowing the food before turning to Jaemin. "only friends" she shortly replied.

"you parents?" he asked but the girl shook her head, "I don't know"

Jaemin hummed and handed his phone towards the girl, "call your friends, inform them about your whereabouts and conditions"

Haemin took the phone from him and nodded his head before dialing some numbers. Jaemin stood before taking his leave, waiting outside so the girl could have some time to call her friends.

Meanwhile Haemin inside, waiting for the person she called answered her call.

Her face brightened up once the person on other line picked up the call. "hello? Who's this?" a smile crept on her face.

"jiu unnie" she answered.

"oh? Haemin! Whose phone are you using to call me? What's wrong?"

"I'm at the hospital" she simply replied


"no! let me explain everything first"

And without listening to the elder's response she told the girl everything from the day she went to the club and what happen till at this moment.

It took her almost 15 minutes to explain everything.

"Haemin, oh my god, I won't forgive that guy" she sighed heavily before continuing her words. "so, what's next?"

"please don't tell anything about me to Stray Kids, even after this, clear your call history so they won't know I call you through this number, Lee Know might force you guys to tell them but act innocent and stay calm, saying that you don't know anything"

"we can do that, of course- but what about you?"

"I'm gonna be fine, don't worry much about me okay unnie? Just do what I told you, I will call you back if I have anything important to tell"

"okay, fine" she sighed again, "please stay safe okay?"

"I will, you guys stay safe too, I have to go" she said and Jiu hummed from the other line and Haemin ended the call before turning to the male outside her room.

He raised her eyebrows and Haemin nodded her head signaling that she's done.

Jaemin walked back inside and took a seat besides the girl, "so you tell them already?" Haemin nodded her head.

"I have a lot to ask to you" he blurted and she nodded her head, "what is it?" she asked and he pressed his lips into thin lines.

"the night you got shot, where did you ran away from? Is it the club nearby there?"

Haemin gulped and nodded her head slowly. Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows, "may I know why?" Haemin looked down on her fingers and fiddled it.

Jaemin saw her action and tilted his head. 'she's nervous'


Jaemin raised his eyebrows and nodded his head, "don't worry, you can tell me everything, I want to help you here" Haemin furrowed her eyebrows and turned to Jaemin.

"help?" Jaemin nodded his head, "of course, we will help you to catch the one who did this to you"

Haemin bit her bottom lips and slowly shook her head, "I'm scared I can't tell you"

Confusion and curiosity grew inside of him even more, "scared?" he asked and the girl nodded her head. "what if they kill me if I tell you?"

Jaemin knew something serious is going on and he is very sure about it.

He took a deep breath before nodding his head, "I will give you time to tell everything okay?" Haemin nodded her head.

"the doctor said you can discharge next week, so I will ask you friend to pick you-" "no!" she quickly interrupted making Jaemin raised his eyebrows.

"I can't stay with them... please- I'm in a dangerous situation right now... I'm scared" she muttered before clasping her hands together.

"if I stay with my friends, they will find me, they will hurt my friends"

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows and sighed. Everything is getting complicated and harder. "I will tell you everything but... just not now"

Haemin begged, "my friends already know about my condition, they know I'm safe, it's already enough for them, if he knows my friends knew about me, he will find them and force them to tell him about me"

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows. His head is hurting.
Who's him? Who are they? Why did he will hurt her and her friends?


Jaemin huffed and nodded his head, "okay fine, I will think about where will you stay at for a while until we finish with all the investigations and stuffs"

Haemin nodded her head rapidly. She's fine with everything as long as she could stay away from Stray Kids.

As long as she could stay away and protecting herself from her boyfriend.

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