chapter fifteen

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Haemin slowly walked to the door before opening it

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Haemin slowly walked to the door before opening it.

"hey Haemin!" Bora greeted before showing some snacks and meals in her hand. "I bought some snacks you love" she smiled widely, "don't worry, Jaemin won't be mad" she whispered making Haemin laughed a little.

She turned to the girl beside Bora before tilting her head and turned to Bora.

"oh this is Dohee, my boyfriend's sister" she said and Dohee smiled before nodding her head, "should I talk with you formally? Because you know I'm younger"

Haemin shook her head and chuckled, "ah forget it, you can talk informally with me" she said before opening the door widely so they could go in.

Dohee nodded her head while giggling before walking inside Jaemin's house.

"Jaemin knew about you guys come here right?" Haemin asked as she walked towards the couch. Bora nodded her head while smiling warmly.

"yeah, he's fine so don't worry"

Dohee raised her eyebrows and pointed towards the crutches beside the couch, "who used this?" she asked making both of the girls turned to her.

Bora eyes went wide before she faced Haemin immediately, "you stop using crutches already? Is your legs fine?" she asked in worried as she checked her legs.

Haemin laughed and shook her head.

"I'm fine already, my legs isn't that serious besides I don't like using crutches, it's very hard to walk around here using those" she explained before standing up slowly walking back and forth in front of Dohee and Bora.

Bora sighed in relief, "that a relief then... I'm scared you will hurt your legs even more" Haemin smiled and sat again on the couch before grabbing the chocolate in front of her.

"don't worry"

She said while unsealed the packaging. "oh right, you said you wants to talk about something right? what is it about?" Bora asked, facing Haemin who slowly lowered her head.



Haemin looked down on the river before sobbing and harshly wept her tears. "I don't wanna continue this life anymore! mom and dad threw me away! I don't have any friends! People bully me and my boss won't believe me to work with him!" she screamed.

She took a deep breath before her shaky legs slowly stepped in front.
"PEOPLE SUCKS!" she shouted before screaming loudly. She stopped to catch her breath.

"yeah, I agree with you, people sucks"

A voice approached behind her making the girl flinched and turned around, seeing a guy crossing his arms over his chest, staring at the girl who tried to commit suicide.
"But have you met me? I'm not sucks, I'm better" he smiled before stepping closer towards the girl.
"who are you? what are you doing here? go away!" she shooed him away making the guy scoffed.

"c'mon, you're trying to commit suicide, I'm here your hero come to save your day" he grinned and held his hand.
"come with me, I show another side of the world that will change your mind to give up, you haven't enjoy this world enough to die" he smirked at the hesitant girl.

"trust me, I'm Lee Minho or you can call Lee Know- or! Shorter you can call me baby- it sounds cuter"
he said as his smirk widen.


"you never tell me about this Minho!" she yelled before running her fingers through her hairs and messing it.
"but now I already tell you right? c'mon Haemin, trust me- I will guarantee your safety if you stay with me, you can trust me"

Haemin furrowed her eyebrows before eyeing her boyfriend in concern and scared. She just found out about him working in a gang, doing illegal things, selling drugs, selling weapons and etc.

"I don't want this Minho, I'm scared" she muttered before crouched down and sighed heavily. Lee Know groaned before crouched down the same level as her and cupped her cheeks in his hands.

"Haeminie... I'm your boyfriend, don't you trust me? after all thick and thin we've been through? Please trust me, baby" he said before slowly tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled warmly.
"I will protect you, I promise"

Haemin stared into his eyes, still not trusting him 100%

Lee Know raised his eyebrows while humming, "so what's your answer? Live with me, yeah? You don't have to worry about money anymore, you can stay with me and my gang, freely" he continuously try to persuade the girl to stay with him.

"you promise me you will stay with me no matter what" he muttered again making the girl sighed and looked down.
'is this the right thing?'

She looked up to her boyfriend before smiling weakly and nodded her head a little, "fine"


"Lee Know you can't do this! It's dangerous! She's a girl, a newbie, what if anything happen to her?!" Changbin said as he grabbed the gun from the girl, glaring at her boyfriend. Lee Know scoffed and snatched the gun from him.

"she's my girlfriend, I know what I'm doing" he said before grabbing the girl's wrist.
"no, you don't know what you are doing Lee Minho- a boyfriend should protect his girlfriend, a real man won't put her girl in a danger" he muttered while gritting his teeth.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "find a girl before talk to me like that" he said before dragging the girl in a force to the car.

"Minho- I'm not doing this- please! I'm scared" she pleaded, pulling her hands away. Her boyfriend groaned and turned to the girl before inhaled and exhaled.
"listen baby, you are doing this okay?" he said as he placed his hand on both of her shoulders.
"you're going there, take his bag that are with him and killed him- easy right?" he said while smiling innocently. His hand patting the girl's head softly making the girl almost cry.

"I can't do this, Minho"

His face dropped and his hands dropped from her shoulders. "I am your boyfriend, listen to me Kim Haemin" he said, staring at the girl with his cold piercing eyes.

"you go there- meet that Kwon Jisuk jerk and killed him! it's easy!" he said before shoving the girl into the car. "please! I don't want to kill anyone- please I can't do this!" she begged, clasping her hands together.

At this point, Lee Know lose his patience. "I told you to do an easy work! Obey me!" he said before his palm landed harshly on her cheeks.

"now- you want to listen to me or not?" he asked the girl who's crying mess.


Both of Bora and Dohee eyes went wide as possible as they heard the girl's story and explanation. The shared a look before Bora immediately grabbed her phone.

"this is more serious than I thought, I will call my boyfriend and Jaemin" she said before dialing Haechan's number.

"hyuck, please come to Jaemin's apartment now, bring him together with you- this is about Haemin, she finally talk about what happened"

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