chapter twelve

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Another screams could be heard from upstairs making everyone sighed heavily

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Another screams could be heard from upstairs making everyone sighed heavily. Another punch was thrown to the wall.

"I swear all he does is getting crazy but do nothing about it" Hyunjin mumbled.

Loud footsteps could be heard as he lead his way to the living room where everyone chilling at. "why aren't you guys doing anything? It's been 2 weeks, that bitch hasn't come home yet!" he yelled making Changbin turned to him, glaring.

"don't call her a bitch, she's not a bitch"

Lee Know bitterly chuckled while rolling his eyes, "c'mon Changbin, your little princess is missing, why you are doing nothing about it?"

Changbin rolled his eyes, "says the one who kept punching the wall and do nothing" he mumbled to himself before crossed his arms over his chest.

"we've been searching for her, you're the one who doing nothing about it but exaggerating about it" Lee Know scoffed after hearing Changbin words.

"so what if I'm exaggerating about it? she's my girlfriend?"

Hyunjin huffed, "so now you're calling her your girlfriend, huh?" Lee Know glared towards Hyunjin, "stay away from this Hyunjin" he said before turning to Changbin.

"have you even found anything that related to her? her belongings?" he asked and Changbin sighed heavily before shaking his head.

Bangchan shook his head and pinch the bridge of his nose, "I told you to let her use the earpieces but what you said? let her learn how to defend herself" Bangchan said before standing up from his seat.

"you better start to find her by your own than yelling at us saying that we doing shit" he said before heading away from the living room.

Lee Know scoffed, "just where is this bitch?" he muttered quietly but Felix who is near with him heard it.

Felix stood up and faced Lee Know staring at the elder with his cold piercing eyes. "I guess she's better not come back here, if she comes home, she'll just get beaten by you, she's better out there, probably people who is nicer already help her"

He muttered before heading out from the house going to God knows where.

Lee Know furrowed his eyebrows, "since when did he became so rude?" he blurted making Changbin bitterly chuckled. "why would he act nice around people like you" he said before following Felix.


Changbin looked around the house before turned to Felix, furrowing his eyebrows. "you sure, this is the house?" he asked and younger chuckled.

"hyung, I've been going here for a long time, they know me" he said before getting off from the car and Changbin trailing the younger from behind.

Felix stopped in front of the door and knocked on the door multiple times before stepped back, waiting for the door to open.

Changbin placed his hand his pockets while looking around the house, waiting for the door to open.

A few moments later, the door swung opened revealing a lady with long brown hair. She faced at them before widening her eyes.

"Felix?" Felix gave a warm smiled before the girl turned to Changbin. "this is Changbin hyung, don't worry- he's nice" he said before the girl nodded her head.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "what are you doing here?" she asked and Felix pressed his lips into thin lines. "I guess you know Haemin is missing and it's been 2 weeks already"

Jiu raised her eyebrows and tilted her head a little, waiting for Felix to continue his words.

"we've been searching for her everywhere and you guys are our last option" he said and Jiu shook her head, "I'm sorry Felix, Haemin is not here"

She said before was about to close the door but Changbin held it.

"at least you know about where she is? Her condition at least?" he asked and Jiu sighed heavily before turned to Felix and he shrugged his shoulders a little.

Jiu opened the door wider and nudged her head in, telling them to come in, "we better talk inside or people will see you guys" she said and the two guys walked inside the house.

"so you know where Haemin is?" Felix asked.

Jiu shook her head, "I really don't know about where she is but she did gave me a call" she huffed heavily, "I shouldn't tell you guys this, she scared you guys will hurt me and my friends"

"but fine, I'll tell you guys- and you can't tell others especially Lee Know" Felix and Changbin exchanged a look before turning to Jiu and nodded their heads.

Jiu pressed her lips together before clasping her hands together, "she gave me a call 2 weeks ago, saying that she's in hospital-" "HOSPITAL?" Changbin blurted loudly.

Jiu eyed him and he immediately apologized.

"she didn't say what happen until she ended there but she said she's fine, she doesn't tell me which hospital and I'm sure she already discharged, but she said she is safe"

Felix let out a sigh in relief, "at least she said she's safe"

Jiu nodded her head but Changbin couldn't help but feel uneasy. "but we're still not sure if she's really fine"

Felix turned to the elder before patting the guy's shoulder, "hyung, if she said she's fine and safe, she meant it, besides she knows how to defend herself, she'll be okay"

Jiu nodded her head again, agreeing with Felix.

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows in disappointment, "if she does give you another call, please let us know" he said to Jiu and she smiled.

"don't worry, I will"

I feel so bad while writing this, Lee Know is not bad, I'm the one who's bad.
I'm sorry Lee Know, i love you man 😭

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