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The couple walked while holding hands together, talking happily

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The couple walked while holding hands together, talking happily. Both were having a good time with each other. 

"princess, stop laughing and eat your ice cream, it's melting!" he chuckled, watching the girl who was still laughing over the jokes Jaemin told her earlier. 
He stared at the girl before shaking his head, "it's not that funny" he muttered.

Haemin sighed heavily and finally stop laughing, "I haven't laugh so hard for a long time" Jaemin smiled, "you're welcome" 

They brought themselves to the bench and took a seat there after a long walk. 

"I haven't been going out for a long time" Jaemin said after taking a bite from his waffles. He turned to the girl and offered to her his waffles. 
"let's come here often, street food is good, we can find a lot of foods here- hm, the waffles are great" 

Jaemin moved closer to the girl and fixing her hair before tucking a few stranded hairs behind her ear. 

The girl looked up to him and flashed her cute smile which made him chuckled then squished her cheeks. "cute" he mumbled and finished his waffles. 

"do you love stargazing, nana?" she asked, staring up at the stars decorating the dark skies above them. Jaemin hummed and lifted his shoulders, "kinda" 
Haemin placed away her ice creams cup and slowly placed her head on his shoulder.

"I love stargazing, can we go for a stargazing often too?" 

He glanced towards the girl and looked up again on the sky. "I've been always doing stargazing" he said which made the girl furrowed her eyebrows, "really?" he nodded his head. 
"your eyes, the stars are in your eyes, it always sparkling every time I stared at your beautiful eyes" 

She chuckled and grabbed Jaemin's hand then intertwined it with her hands. 
"I have stars in my eyes" he nodded his head again. "then we can just do stargazing at each other's eyes" both of them turned to each other and stared into each other eyes. 

A soft smile crept on Jaemin's face as he stared at the girl that stole his heart. "I can't stare at you for a long time, you're too beautiful, it makes me want to kiss you" 

"then kiss me" 

Her answer made Jaemin's heart beating 2 times fast. 
The smile on his face slowly faded and he brought his hands to cup her cheeks, still staring at the girl with full of adoration, eyes sparkling and butterflies in his stomach. 

"Can I kiss you?" 

Both hearts beating to the same rhythm as they lost in each other's eyes. 
Haemin cheeks started to redden and he slowly leaned closer. 

This is not their first time kissing, but the feelings never change. It always the same, every time they kiss, it felt like they were sharing their first kiss. 
Or maybe they still new to this and it's their first time experiencing this. 

'I'm so crazy for you Haemin... what have you done to me?'

Slowly, Jaemin closed the gape between them and his lips softly pressed her lips. 
Haemin closed her eyes and placed her hands on his perfect waist, pulling him closer to her. Warmth blossomed in Haemin's chest, sparks igniting as Jaemin deepen the kiss. 

The smell of Haemin's perfume, of the soft, floral fragrance, was dizzying, butterflies dancing in his stomach. Haemin's lips impossibly soft against his own.

Jaemin then pulled away after a few second later. 
But the gape between them still close as Jaemin placed his forehead on hers, staring at her again after breaking the kiss. 

He chuckled and smiled at the girl. 
"be my girlfriend Haemin, be my princess and my girl" 

A soft smile crept on her face and she hummed, "I'm your princess, I'm your girl"
Jaemin felt another butterflies as Haemin wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his chest, listening to his rapidly beating heart. 

This is the happiest moment that he felt in his life. He will never regret to meet Haemin since the day one. He promised to himself that he will keep her for himself, protecting her like she's worth more than a dime and soon, in the future, create a cute happy family with her. 

"never leave my side Jaemin, I love you so much" 

"I'll always be on your side forever princess, I love you too, so much"

"I'll always be on your side forever princess, I love you too, so much"

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