chapter twenty three

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Haemin and Jaemin got into the car once they arrived at Jaemin's car

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Haemin and Jaemin got into the car once they arrived at Jaemin's car.

"put on your seatbelt, princess" Jaemin told the girl but she was busy fixing her hair on the side mirror and just hummed as response to what the man told her.

"Haemin, put on your seatbelt" he said once again but this time with a stern voice.

"yeah, yeah, I will" she replied, but still had her eyes on the mirror, still fixing her hair. Jaemin sighed heavily before leaned closer towards the girl.

Haemin flinched and faced Jaemin with wide eyes as he is too close to the point where she can feel his hot breath.

He stared into her eyes and she stared back.

The world seems like stopped when they shared an eye contact for almost a minute. The silence was too loud and Haemin could feel her heart beating rapidly once his eyes travelling down to her lips.


Jaemin leaned away and looked away making the girl snapped back into reality. She could feel her face heating up. "I could do it by myself" she quietly said while looking down, playing with her fingers nervously.

Jaemin doesn't reply to the girl as his face also heated up because of the scene happened between them a few minutes ago.

Jaemin started driving to the candy shop he wants to bring her and they didn't talk for almost the whole ride, mind still repeating the same incident earlier.

'stupid, what's in your mind Jaemin?!' -Jaemin's thought.

'what was with that stare? He was dangerously close! oh my god- Haemin get yourself together' -Haemin's thought.

"uh... what are we gonna discuss about with Bora and others?" Haemin asked, breaking the silence. Jaemin gave a quick glance towards the girl before clearing his throat.

"it's about Stray Kids and Kwon Jisuk" he replied and Haemin nodded her head a little. "I really hope I could escape from them soon... I feel stuck and trap, I want to escape from this problem soon" she said.

Jaemin softly smiled before nodding his head, "we all will help you Haemin, don't worry, we will do everything we could do for you"

Haemin nodded her head and grinned a little, "thank you Jaemin... I don't know what to do if you don't save me and if I don't meet you before... probably my boyfriend still forcing me to do this and that" she said before sighing a little.


"wow! I thought it was just a small shop" Haemin said as she eyed the candy shop from the car. Jaemin giggled and locked the car before walking towards the shop together with the girl.

"I used to go here before"

Both of them stepped inside the candy shop and the making the doorbell rang.
An old married couple turned to the door and a wide smile crept on their face, "oh! It's you Jaemin!" the old lady greeted as she walked towards Jaemin and cupped Jaemin's face.

"it's been awhile, you look so much handsome now" she said again making Jaemin laughed. "ah, grandma..." he whined a little while glancing towards Haemin who's smiling warmly at the old lady and him.

"oh! You bring a girl too! This is new" she said before smiling towards Haemin. "you're so pretty" she complimented before looking around the shop, "welcome to our candy shop sweetie!"

Haemin giggled and nodded her head. "go pick anything you want" Jaemin said as he handed a small basket to the girl. "thank you Jaemin!~" she said beamingly before walking around the shop, leaving Jaemin and the old man, his grandfather.

"you look so much happy now, I bet she's the reason" he said making Jaemin chuckled.

"you could say that grandpa... she's cute isn't she?" his grandfather laughed and ruffled his hair, "ah, young love... you remind me to your father when he was around your age"

Jaemin grinned before turning to Haemin who's happily having a conversation with his grandmother.

'I would do anything to save you and make you happy, Haemin...'


"you sure that's her? don't fool around" said the man from the other line. He rolled his eyes and groaned, "I'm fucking sure, I saw her with my own eyes! walking with a guy!" he said quietly to the phone while his eyes still staring at the figure inside the shop.

"then? What else you have to do? Do I have to tell you what to do huh, stupid? Bring her here!" the person on the other line said a little too loud making the man flinched and pulled his phone away from his ear.

The call ended making the man cursed under his breath. "this dude- "do I have to tell you what to do huh, stupid?" shut the fuck up" he said while mocking the man.

He then turned to the shop and he raised his eyebrows a little as he saw the girl walked out, alone.

A smirked grew on his face as he lowered his cap and looked around before fasten his steps towards the girl who's busy with checking the plastic bag on her hands with a wide smile on her face.


On the other side, Haemin is happily checking all the sweets she picked for herself and for Jaemin. Jaemin told the girl that he will have a little conversation with his grandparents so she decided to wait outside, wanting the man to have a little family time.

But suddenly, as she was about to walked towards the car, somebody ran to her and grabbed her wrist in forcefully.

Her eyes widen and looked up to the man who had his cap, covering half of his face. "let me go!" she demanded but the man tried to pull her away making the girl panicked.

'he must be one of Minho's man!' -her thought.

Haemin is still fighting with the man making he getting annoyed to the point, he grabbed a small blade from his pocket and slashed it on her arms making the poor girl screamed catching everyone's attention.

"Hey!! Let her go!"

A voice shouted behind Haemin making the man looked up to Jaemin and pushed Haemin away before ran away.

Haemin hissed in pain while holding her arms, "Haemin!" Jaemin ran to the girl in worry before looked up to the man who's running away as fast as lighting, disappearing from his sight.

"oh my god princess, your arm! c'mon, let's go to hospital"

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