chapter eighteen

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Lee Know slammed the table creating a loud bang echoed in the room

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Lee Know slammed the table creating a loud bang echoed in the room.

The man in front of him chuckled before a smirk crept on his face. "what is it you're not satisfied yet Mr. Lee? You got your money now" he calmly said.

Lee Know clenched his jaw and glared at him, "where is she? You keep her right? give her back to me" he muttered while gritting his teeth.

"who's her? be more specific can you?" he asked before chuckling once again after seeing Lee Know losing his patience.

"where is Haemin?! I know you keep her!!" he yelled before started to grab his collar.

Kwon Jisuk scoffed, "oh" he muttered before tilting his head, "that princess of yours?" he asked and Lee Know rolled his eyes, "who else?"

Kwon Jisuk pursed his lips before shrugging his shoulders, "why should I know about her whereabouts? She's not my priorities"

Lee Know scoffed before pushed him harshly making the man laughed. "dude, you don't trust me? I guess she probably already die since I shot her- tch, that bitch hit my head really hard" he said before caressing his head.

"what do you mean, she probably die? she can't be die, she won't die!" he yelled while clenching his fist. Kwon Jisuk rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, "why are you so caring about her? you care for a girl you abused? What a surprise"

His words made Lee Know furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean?" he calmly asked.

Kwon Jisuk crossed his arms over his chest, "don't pretend you don't know what I mean Lee Minho, you abused her- all her bruises on her body are too obvious, everyone saw it and who else will abuse her if it's not you. You're her boyfriend"

he shrugged his shoulders before sighing once again.

"I don't know dude, maybe my assumption is wrong, I guess she just ran away from you- I mean who wants to come back to the so called home but just to get beaten by her boyfriend?"

Lee Know clicked his tongue before grabbing the suitcase in a harsh way, eyes still glaring at the man.

"just because we get our money back doesn't mean we will let you go, we'll make sure you die in our hand" he said before walking towards the door.

Kwon Jisuk laughed before waving his hand towards Lee Know, "yeah sure, hope to see you soon cowards!~" he said before laughing harder after Lee Know slammed the door after he walked out.


Felix turned to his phone that is ringing, the ID written "Unknown" but he was quick enough to think who is calling. He grabbed the phone immediately and walked towards his room and unknowingly someone followed him after curious over whose calling and why Felix seems a bit panicked.

"Felix, it's me"

Felix hummed before sitting on the corner of his bed, "yes, I know" he replied before sighing a little, "didn't I tell you to not call me anymore? It's dangerous" he muttered.

The girl on the other line nodded her head even Felix can't see her, "I know but I need some help, you told me to just tell them the truth, I did it already" she explained and Felix hummed again, waiting for the girl to continues her words.

"But right now I'm thinking any ways to catch Kwon Jisuk" she muttered and Felix pressed his lips into thin lines before sighing. "oh, that-"


Felix turned to the door immediately and stood on his feet, "hyung..." he muttered while facing the man. "is that... Haemin?" he quietly asked.

Felix lowered his head and pressed his lips into thin lines before slowly nod his head. Changbin closed the door behind him before grabbing the phone from the youngest, "why didn't you tell me she called you-"

"Hello Haemin...?" he quietly said.

"...Changbin" she muttered and a smile crept on Changbin face as he gave a quick glance towards Felix. "Min, you are fine right? have you been eating well? Did the person that take care of you now nice?" he asked several questions.

Haemin on the other line chuckled a little, "yes I'm fine Changbin, yes I've been eating well and the person that take care of me is really nice, don't worry"

Changbin sighed in relief. It's been almost a month and finally he could hear her voice again. "that's a relief then- oh by the way" he muttered.

Haemin raised her eyebrows and hummed.

Changbin shared a look with Felix, "I have an idea of how we can catch Kwon Jisuk" he muttered before pursed his lips, "this idea involve you and this might be a bit risky"

"just tell me Changbin, I would do anything"

Felix raised his eyebrows in confusion meanwhile Changbin replied with a small smirk on his face.

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