chapter thirty four

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Mark tilted his head and watched the 16 years old girl who had her head down while picking her nails.

"Nahyun... How are we going to help you if you don't tell me anything that happened to you?"

The girl named Nahyun looked up to Mark who had his eyebrows furrowed, staring at her in worry. She pursed her lips together and looked down again before shaking her head.

She tried to say something, she opened her mouth to talk but nothing's coming out. She's scared, sad and mad.

Mark sighed heavily before standing up and walking out from the investigation room.
He frowned and shook his head, "she doesn't want to say anything... I've tried"

Bora stared at the girl in sympathy before an idea came in her mind. She turned to Jaemin, "where's Haemin? Can you call Haemin? She might help us"
Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows but didn't ask anything and decided to call Haemin.

Earlier this morning, one lady which is Nahyun's aunty came to make a report about her niece received a sexual harassment from her own father.

All the scars and bruises on her arms also legs are already became their evidence but they need to hear from Nahyun's own mouth.
She has to tell everything that happened to her but till now she doesn't say anything, only had her head down.

Even her aunty has already handed some voice recordings of Nahyun's father yelling and hitting the girl.


Haemin walked towards Jaemin and Bora who waited in front of one room while crossing their arms over their chests. "Jaem" she called and they snapped their heads towards her.

Bora sighed in relief, "thanks God, you already here Haemin"

The girl looked at Jaemin in confusion, "what's wrong Jaemin?" he pointed towards the room and pressed his lips into thin lines, "you have to help us Haemin"
She raised her eyebrows and pointed towards herself, "me?"

Bora smiled and nodded her head before explaining the situation to Haemin.

"do you really think I might help?"
Bora nodded her head and held both of her shoulders, "I believe you can"

Haemin turned to Jaemin and he smiled warmly while nodding his head.
She took a deep breath before walking inside the room, seeing Mark sitting a little bit far from the girl, still trying anything so that she could open up about what happened.

Mark looked up to Haemin and stood up.
"please help us Haemin" she smiled a little, "I will try my best" He nodded his head and handed a voice recorder.

"if she started to say anything please record the conversation" Mark whispered before handing the voice recorder before walking out from the room.

Haemin turned to the girl and slowly making her steps towards her. She took a seat in front of her. "hey..." the girl slowly lifted her head, realizing that it's not Mark who sitting with her anymore.

Haemin flashed a soft smile, "I'm Haemin... What's your name?" she asked and the girl pressed her lips together, "...Nahyun, Bae Nahyun"

"How old are you? Are you still in school?" Nahyun nodded her head, "I'm 16"

She looked up to Haemin, "how about you?" she quietly asked, "oh, I'm 21" Nahyun nodded her head, "then... I have to call you unnie"

"It depends on you, I'm fine if you want to call me only by my name"

Nahyun turned to the bottle of water on the table which caught Haemin's attention. She immediately grabbed the bottle and handed it to her which made Nahyun quietly thanked her.

"Nahyun, do you like chocolate?" Haemin suddenly asked and Nahyun hummed.

Haemin smiled widely and took out a bar of chocolate from her bag. She opened the plastic wrap and placed it in front of her.
"you can have this chocolate... in one condition"

Nahyun stared at the chocolate before looking up to Haemin, "...what is it?"
"pretend as if I'm not here and talk about your life" Nahyun furrowed her eyebrows, "about my life?"

Haemin nodded her head, "I won't be asking a single question about anything, just let out anything that's in your head, pretend that it's just you in this room"

"I... I can't" Nahyun said shaking her head before lowering her head. Haemin gently grabbed her hands and stared at the girl with a soft gaze.

"try to focus enjoying this chocolate while letting out everything in your mind"

Haemin pursed her lips together, "If you don't me to listen to you, I can put on my earphone-" "no, it's fine"

The 16 years old girl pressed her lips into thin lines before looked down on the chocolate. Haemin smiled softly, "is that a no?" she asked before slowly pulled the chocolate back to her.

"wait- don't" Nahyun said holding her wrist.
She took a deep breath and nodded her head, "I can do that, I'll try"

Haemin smiled and let go of the chocolate before nodding her head, not forgetting about the voice recorder that Mark handed to her earlier.


Mark finally let out a relief sigh after listening to the recording that Haemin took earlier. "Thank you so much, Haemin" he thanked her and Haemin shook her head.

"it's nothing, I'm glad to help you"

Chenle raised his eyebrows, "so we already have all the evidences, we can proceed to the next process right?" Mark nodded his head, "yeah right, but we need to meet Nahyun's aunty first"

"Thank you again, Haemin, I have to get going first" Haemin nodded her head and with that Chenle with Mark walked away leaving her alone.

Earlier in the investigation room, when she listened to Nahyun's life, she badly wants to give a hug for her but she might interrupt the young girl.

She couldn't believe that Nahyun's father could do that to her own daughter, abused her, force her to do this and that and never care about his daughter's physical and mental health.

That old man will end up in the jail soon, that's what he deserves and she hopes Nahyun could finally live her life happily, starting a new book. 

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