chapter five

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She ordered plain water as she took a seat on the empty seat

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She ordered plain water as she took a seat on the empty seat. She looked around and eyeing the person she has to find- kill.

She found him, sitting on the VIP corner with a lot of girls around him, laughing and touching him, the man had a wide smile plastering on his face, arms wrapping around one of the girl's waist, happily drinking his wine.

There are also a lot of bodyguards keeping him safe from anyone.

Haemin sighed heavily and turned to her water in front of her. "why do Minho have to send me" she mumbled to herself, "if he really wants to kill that old hg, then how about him doing it" she quietly complained to herself.

She continued stared at her own drinks, waiting for the right timing to get close with the man and kill him.

"hey miss, you alone?"

A voice approached the girl making she turned to the owner of the voice only to find a man with drink on his hand, eyeing the girl, grinning.

Haemin lowered her head and nodded her head, "yeah" she quietly said.

The guy took a seat beside the girl while nodding his head, "it's dangerous to drink at here- I mean this club" he muttered before looking around.

"there are a lot of dangerous gang hanging out here" he said while his eyes stay on one man. Haemin followed his gaze and realized he's staring at the same man she has to kill.

"he's the most dangerous" he said as he turned his attention to his drink. "how do you know?" Haemin opened her mouth, asking the question to the male.

He turned to her and shrugged his shoulders a little, "well I know his gang before, I deal with his father before"

Haemin nodded her head and turned to the man, Kwon Jisuk.

[ a/n: does that name ring a bell? If not go back to Book 1 (Undercover) ]

He's not too young, around 25, she heard about his family before, his father died, got killed by a police.

A girl police.

That's what Felix told to her, she was beyond shock to hear about the story. "you should use her as your role model, she's also the same like you, stuck in a hard situation but she made it, she escaped"

The words Felix told her a year ago and she still remember it till today, She wants to be like the girl police, escape from this dark side of world.

"Wooyoung-ah! I told you, we have to go home, we can't stay here for a long time" a voice approached the guy next to her.

The guy named Wooyoung turned to the girl and smiled, "I have to go, stay safe okay? I know you're on a mission" he whispered making her eyes went wide.

"if he touch you and went overboard, kick him in his balls" he advised with a small smile and patted the girl's shoulder.

"how did you know?" she asked but he replied with a wink, "let's go San" he said to his friend and dragged his feet away from the bar.

She huffed heavily before turning her attention to find, Kwon Jisuk but only to find him already walking out with his bodyguards using the back door.

She immediately got up from her seat and secretly followed them.

"put this inside the van, make sure no one's see you guys" Jisuk said, demanding his men. The men obeyed him and brought all boxed and suitcases to the van.

'probably drugs and money'

She said to herself while eyeing them behind the wall. She continued to watch their men movements and realized Jisuk is doing nothing but play with his phone.

She reached a gun from inside her skirt and aimed it to the man.

But before she could pull a trigger someone knock her head with something hard making the poor girl stumbled and fell to the ground.

"boss!" she heard the voice calling for Jisuk.

Her eyes are blurry but she could clearly saw Jisuk stepping closer to her as his smirk grew wider. "ah Stray Kids, sending their weak girl again" she heard him said.

He crouched down and grabbed her hair, "aren't you the one who try to kill me before?" he asked and Haemin furrowed her eyebrows, "you... deserve to die" she muttered with a shaky voice.

Jisuk laughed evilly before pushing her head away, "you don't know me, do you? I'm Kwon Jisuk, I won't die" he arrogantly spoke before standing up.

His feet kick her stomach making the girl curled her body due to the hard impact she received.

"boys, end her"

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