chapter seventeen

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Haemin looked down on her cup as she placed the cup on the table

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Haemin looked down on her cup as she placed the cup on the table. She sighed heavily before sat on the empty seat.

She has been thinking about a lot of things since in the morning. Will she really found her happiness after this all ended? What kind of job will she has after this? Where should she stay after this? Will Felix and Changbin be fine?

They are already her brothers at this point. They protect her all of this time, but this what they got from her.

"this is you guys fault, mom, dad" she mumbled to herself before lowering her head, biting her lips, holding back her tears from coming out. "if you guys didn't left me, this all shit won't happen, I would live happily" she muttered again.

She clenched her fist before sighed harshly. "fuck my life, this is your fate Kim Haemin, your parents left you, you found an abused boyfriend, got forced to do illegal things, who says you will find a happiness, there is no one for you" she muttered while gritting her teeth.

"don't say that"

A voice spoke making Haemin straightens her back and wept her tears immediately. "Jaemin..." she muttered and Jaemin hummed.

Jaemin sighed and walked towards the girl, taking a seat beside her. "don't think like that, everyone deserve a happiness" he muttered softly.

Haemin avoided his gaze and finished her drink quickly. "everyone but not me" she said before getting up, placing the empty cup in the sink.

"let's talk about this Haemin, you know you still have me to share anything" he said as he stood up from the seat. "you don't understand" she muttered still stubborn.

Just as she was about to walk away, passing the male, she could feel her legs weakling. But as she almost fell on the floor, a pair of arms caught the girl from falling.

Jaemin sighed heavily before picking up the girl in a bridal style. "I told you to use your crutches, but you're stubborn saying that you can walk again"

A blush crept on her face as she looked away. "put me down, I can walk by myself"

Jaemin looked down on the girl before tilting his head.

"I don't think so, princess" he calmly said before opening the door and carefully placed her on the soft mattress.


Jaemin sat on the empty space beside the girl before facing her. She furrowed her eyebrows and hesitantly looked at him, "...what? what are you looking at?"

Jaemin smiled a little before shaking his head. "nothing" he said before continued staring at the girl's face, admiring her features. "you know what? you're pretty cute" he blurted.

Again, a blush crept on her face. She looked away, avoiding his stares and cleared his throat. "hey- it's getting late don't you think so? what about you go to sleep- you must be tired, right?" Jaemin laughed softly after hearing her rambling.

He ruffled her hair making the girl frowned.

"you should stop thinking like earlier okay? everyone deserves a happiness- when I said everyone, I mean everyone including you, there's no exception" he said softly and Haemin just looked down, fidgeting with her fingers.

"maybe there's a reason why your parents left you, don't you want to look for them? I can help" he offered but she shook her head.
"they left me, why should I look for them?" Jaemin tilted his head and smiled warmly, "because you love them" she crossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders. "whatever"

He chuckled and shook his head, "you are stubborn one aren't you, princess?" he asked teasingly. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned to him.

"why are you calling me that? Stop"

Jaemin raised his eyebrows, "why should i? princess suits you, you act like a princess, very choosy and stubborn, you also looks like one, beautiful" he said and Haemin could feel butterflies in her stomach.

He smirked, "oh? did I make you flustered?" he teased again. "stop it Jaemin, since when are you so flirty?" she asked as she gave a light smack on his arms.

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders, "I'm always flirty, I just don't show it" he said before sighing and got up. "go to sleep, hm?" he said before patting her head softly, "don't think about those negative thoughts ever again" he said before walking towards the door and switch off the lights.

"goodnight Haemin"

Haemin smiled a little before nodding her head, "okay... goodnight too Jaemin" she muttered and Jaemin closed the door behind him.

The scene where the girl blushing repeats on his mind making the man grinned a little, "cute" he muttered before shaking his head and walked towards his room.

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