chapter nineteen

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Jaemin stayed quiet after hearing her explanation

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Jaemin stayed quiet after hearing her explanation.

Haemin raised her eyebrows, "so?? what do you think? You don't know how hard I think to come out for this such an idea" she lied.

Jaemin sighed before finishing his drink and got up, bringing his plate placing it in the sink making the girl furrowed her eyebrows, "Jaemin? I'm talking to you" she muttered before giving a 'really?' look towards the man.

"finish your food then washed the dishes" he said before walking away from the kitchen and headed towards the living room, leaving the girl in confusion.

"what's wrong with him? did he had a bad day today?"

A few minutes ago, Haemin told the man about her plan on how to catch Kwon Jisuk and Stray Kids. Yes, it's actually not her plan but Changbin. Changbin knew everything and he also said that he's fine with it saying that the girl's happiness is his priorities and saying that she doesn't have to worry about Felix and him.

"aye, there's no way he had a bad day, he did smiles earlier, he was also fine when we cooked together earlier"

Jaemin and Haemin did cook together for the dinner earlier.

And for real, Haemin is very impressed by Jaemin's cooking skills. She never knew the man could cook until now since Jaemin usually will buy food from outside for her and decided to not cook.

Haemin could feel that Jaemin and her had gotten closer day by day. They constantly made a joke towards each other and Jaemin started to show his true side by flirting with the girl and sometimes being weird around her.

Haemin also found out about his obsession over his 4 shots Americano. Crazy, how can someone drink that kind of drinks? She would die because even the normal Americano is already too bitter for her.

Haemin furrowed her eyebrows and closed the tap before drying her hands dry and walked towards the living room, seeing Jaemin in front of the television, chilling.

Haemin quietly took a seat next to the man before giving a quick glance towards him.

His cold piercing eyes stared directly towards the television and he's not showing any expression even he's watching a comedy show.

'did I say something wrong?'

Jaemin is really hard to read, sometimes he looks like he's mad and keeping his face blank but the truth is he just tired. Sometimes he's just being weird without any reason. He's too hard for Haemin to read. He's that type of person who prefer hide his feelings than showing it on his face.

"Jaemin...?" she quietly called.

She tilted her head, "Nana?" she tried again but with his nickname that she found out a few days ago. Bora called him using that nickname in front of her. At first she was like, "wait, who's nana?" and think that it was a girl but then she found out it was Jaemin's nickname.

Since then she used that cute nickname of his to call him.

Jaemin sighed softly before turning to the girl, "yes, Haemin?" he quietly replied making the girl raised her eyebrows, "what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

He shook his head before averted his attention towards the television once again making she pouted. "but you haven't reply to me" she muttered.

"reply to what? I'm replying to you right now"

Haemin pursed her lips together, "about my ideas to catch Kwon Jisuk and Stray Kids...?" she hesitantly uttered making Jaemin sighed again.

"this is none of your concern Haemin, we will think other way, this is not your job" he muttered, still not turning to the girl.

Haemin frowned, "but this is about me, it's not wrong to speak out my opinion right?"

Jaemin turned to the girl, "I don't like that idea" he said before getting up from the couch. Haemin eyes went wide as she immediately grabbed his wrist.

"but it's great idea Jaemin! It will work!" she said confidently.

Jaemin glared towards the girl before pulling his hand away, "I don't like it, don't be crazy Haemin, it's not a good idea!"

She stood on her feet before looking up to the man who's a bit taller than her, glaring back towards him. "how can you confidently say it's not a good idea?"

"and how can you be so confident that it will work?" he retorted before rolling his eyes, "c'mon Haemin, I'm tired"

"we don't know what others will think about it!" she immediately interrupted the man making he groaned in frustration.

He faced the girl and held both of her shoulders, "I won't use that idea, it's too risky, what's in your mind Haemin?"

"It is not"

"so using yourself as a bait and put yourself in a danger and can lead you to death is not risky?! That Kwon Jisuk literally just almost take your life away, now you want to be a bait, let him kidnapped you so Stray Kids will save you? That's stupid!"

Haemin frowned a little before lowering her head, "so what if I die? I just trying to help you guys, Kwon Jisuk and Stray Kids are the most wanted criminals"

Jaemin huffed and rolled his eyes, "yes, you're trying to help but this is not a great idea, I won't let you be in a danger" he said before walking away but then stopped for a moment.

"I care for you... you're not some strangers for me anymore"
he then walked away leaving the girl dumbfounded.

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