~ Chapter 1 ~

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~ This is our sea! ~

~ my first story ever, I would appreciate any feedback to it or a suggestion!
Also I'm not English, so if you find a mistake, you can tell me ~

3rd person POV;

Let's start from the very beginning...
When the seas were drastic and the skies were thundering, some of the greatest, biggest wars began to take place on the waters. Large wooden ships would fall apart into pieces, turn into ash and slowly mix up with the salty water. Only the strongest and best would make it out. That includes our worldwide-known warrior, Clay, aka Dream.....

"It's all going by the plans... we're the best out there, there's nothing that could stop us. Everyone fears us, heh, just why wouldn't they? This baby has survived some amount of damage already and only became stronger later." he thought for himself while proudly patting the side of his war ship and smiling at the water.
"I wonder if there is something harder of a challenge for us to beat..some sea monster maybe? It would be a more interesting fight than with these bratty captains that thought they could beat our ass."

Dream's POV;

,,BAD!!!" I yelled at one of my best pirate boys on the same board as me.
He nearly fell over the side of the ship as I scared him with my sharp scream.
,,Yes captain?!" he quickly straightened up and looked towards me to let me know he pays attention.

,,How are our supplies? Are we running short?" ..I'm such a hungry ass.
,,We've got only a couple of things left, we need to save a lot of food to survive here. One of the only things we have left is the cabbage in the barrels."

Hhnnngg.. that already makes me sick. I'm starting to really hate the same sour taste in my mouth.
"This can't go like that any longer. Our members are also getting a tonne of sea sickn-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence. It was interrupted by a blonde guy throwing up from eating too much of the cabbage. Is it spoiled already? Have we been out on the seas for so long..?
"We need to find some land and get resources. SNAPMAP, GO NORTH" I commanded.


At least an hour passed since we started going North. I desperately kept looking through a spyglass in an attempt to find land.

"LAND! LAND!" I started yelling out when I finally saw some dry sand and as we approached closer, I started to see some grass and trees.

3rd person POV;

The captain spotted land in the distance. All of the people on the ship have started to get happy as they knew they could finally calm down their sickness and hopefully eat something other than cabbage or..well, basically fishes. That was it.

Even though Clay was still a young person to be a successful captain, he did really well and knew how things should go around..

Approaching more to the land he saw so zoomed in, they encountered a ship. Not a wreck, but a pretty strong-looking, moving ship. They were going in the same direction: to the land full of resources from other ships and fruit trees.

George's POV;

At last! Land! We've started starving in hopes of defeating someone else and taking what was theirs, or simply finding a good place to camp at. Unfortunately it seems we're not the only ones who want to reach that island...

Dream's POV;

"HNYYAARRRHH! Another ship in our way?! Get lost, kiddos! We rule these seas!" I yelled out at the brunette who seemed to be the captain of the approaching ship. He looked like, so short towards me, and I started imagining how I'd just push him with my finger and he would fall into the water.

He was bratty, though. Just like the others who fell apart.

"It's you who should be moving yer butts! This place is ours!"

Damn bratty. So damn bratty. I wanted to get this off my nerves and made him a deal.
"Aight, either we share this land and resources, or you will fall. The choice is yours."

A moment of silence filled the air before a member of mine with a long braid yelled out:
"I CHOOSE BLOOD!" and there he had his cutlass in the air. The others of course joined him.

"So be it.." the brunette glared and lifted his hand as a sign of starting battle.

3rd person POV;

A bunch of male war screams could be heard at least a mile away as most of them charged at each other. Clay's crew members went swinging by ropes onto the other ship to fight with the enemies until death. Or at least what they thought would be such a bloody battle.

George's POV;

This was it. Going on for such a good amount of time and now we were gonna lose. This man's crew was stronger and our strenghts were drained from the lack of food. Definitely not a victory for us...

I could no longer watch my crew get beaten so I leaped into the battle..
Not knowing how weak I was at the moment, I barely blocked out this braided man's cutlass from cutting my head off. My hands shaky, sweaty, adrenaline was rushing through my body...




The fighting stopped and everyone looked at the tall blonde who commanded. What did he think he was doing?! However, I already knew what was about to come and wanted to get it here fast, so I punched one of his members. He immediately turned to face me and we started to wrestle.

Dream's POV;

"STOP!" I yelled out angrily when my first command wasn't loud enough to stop them. Everyone together with the clearly frustrated brunette stopped fighting and looked at me. I kept the silence be like that for a while because it was calming. Not for long though. Shorty punched Snapmap and they started to wrestle.


Those words.. they left my mouth as I swung over to the other ship to grab the brunette by the neck and lift him up. I must've probably held him too tightly because he went red in his face and tried to gasp for air.

"We would've won anyway. You all will now be our slaves." I said, ending the fight. My crew started cheering victoriously and rushed to the land, looking at what could be worth it.

George's POV;

At that one moment, I nearly died. At that very moment I would've ran out of oxygen completely. It was when the blonde grabbed my neck and lifted me into the air. Small tears rushed into the corners of my eyes but I had to hold them in to not look so weak.

He already took the golden medal for himself and said that they would've won anyway, then adding that we will be their slaves. This was not something I was ready for...

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