~ Chapter 8 ~

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~ Omega capture ~

~ Just to make things clear - Philza is in Dream's mafia now ~

Dream's POV;

It was already dark outside by the time I walked out of my office to visit the nursery room. If there's one thing that makes me feel good about the omega being accompanied by Tubbo and Philza, it's that they wouldn't hurt him, so I don't need to hurt them in return too.

When I was walking through my mansion's halls, I could hear the large music room be busy. Seems like they're celebrating the capture.

I got to the nursery and quietly knocked on the door. I was greeted by Phil with a watering can - that was probably for Tubbo's flowers. He gave me a small smile and let me inside.

Right away I noticed a small change in the corner - it was a bunch of blankets and pillows thrown on top of each other. Is this what omegas live in?

"Where is the omega?" I asked Phil, looking around for him. He pointed at the soft mountain. Yep, they sure do live in things like this.

"What's his name, if you know?" I knew I was starting to ask a bit too much again, but damn. If this omega is supposed to be mine in the future, I have to get to know him. He whispered to me a quiet ' apparently George' and I melted a bit. Oh Gogy..

I made my way over to the pillow & blanket pile and quietly sat criss cross beside it. It started to shiver.

Lifting a few of the blankets, I was looking for him. Then I saw a bit of fur - such a sweetheart. I lifted them a bit more and then finally caught a glance of his head. He was so adorable, damn. I also didn't forget to catch in every detail of his revealed body. Phil was looking a bit anxious as I've been peeking into the omega's temporary nest. I insured him I wouldn't do stuff just yet and it semt to calm him a bit, but he still wouldn't stop staring at my every move.

After a while, I thought that I should probably leave him to calm down a little. I'm sure he caught my alpha smell so he was even more afraid. Afterall, he had been just kidnapped. And he had no idea if I would mate him right away or not. So I got up, quietly thanked both the boys and left them to do their business.


Possibly like two or three hours passed since I went to see the omega and I was just laying on a fancy sofa. I was tired but definitely not enough to sleep. Boredom was also getting the best of me. I got up from the sofa and went to take a look into the music room.

Ranboo was sitting close to the door, so he was the first to greet me.

"Heeeeeyyyy welcome here champ," he said and gave me a fist bump. I didn't mind him not calling me boss, he was probably out of his mind already. Techno, Schlatt and Sap were on the stage, performing their best.

However, I noticed Tubbo and Phil were there too, and they were busy with talking to Tommy and others.

Did they leave the omega behind?! I mean like, he couldn't escape if he wanted to, but still! He could hurt himself, kill himself even. Oh god.

I quickly walked out of the music room and almost charged inside the nursery. I was praying they left because he was asleep in the blankets, but to my following surprise - he wasn't. Crap! He wasn't even in the pile anymore! At the moment I thought I'd rip the two healers in half.

I swiftly made it out into the halls and quickened my pace, looking where he could be. Luckily enough, he smelled different from all of us, so I could detect him like that too.

After a while, I sniffed out a weak trail of his scent which was getting stronger with each step I took. I made sure I was silent so he at least wouldn't hear me come. He could possibly smell me out, but that would then be too late already.

Soon enough I spotted him silently walking around. Bingo. You're not getting away now. He must've caught my scent, because his ears went down a bit and he stopped walking. But then he sped up. I was quietly following him, hoping he wouldn't suddenly charge away and try things.

We walked like that for a while and it was clear he knew I was behind. Though, he just kept speeding up and looking where could he hide.

He left me no other choice than to chase after him now. The music room started to echo with a rock song, so I used the great opportunity. It was just getting started and I sped up after the omega.

"You're not running, Gogy~" I told him before the song hit an epic electric guitar part and I turned into a large shadow wolf, chasing him.

He began running too, but he was obviously slower than me.

I almost got him at a corner, but he made a sharp turn and gained some time. This happened like, how many times? Three? Four? Yeah probably four times. It really started to annoy me that he wasn't just giving up, but I love challenges.

He got more tired, so it was now my time to shine. I took a large leap at him and took him to the floor. He made out a quiet whine and got into his submissive state. Good boy.

"You're quite a challenge, Gogy. Where did you think you were going?" I gently bit his fur and lifted him up like a puppy, carrying him back into the nursery. He didn't like that and tried to fight me, still speechless.

Once we were in, I locked the door behind and walked to the blanket pile. I put him down and watched him tremble.

"I'm not gonna hurt you if you'll behave. I'll also make sure you're watched over every time you try to run away. Punishment won't miss you if you do sneak out successfully. I'll always find you sooner or later. Got it?"

I knew that threatening wasn't a good thing to do when he was scared, but I had to let him know things would eventually get him if he tried to free himself. He gave me a few terrified nods and started backing away behind his blanket pile.

It was late now and I was sure he was tired. I went back into the music room and told the three to slowly end their show-off so Gogy could sleep. Afterall, the music was pretty loud. They can do that again another day.

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