~ Chapter 21 ~

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~ A different day ~

~ I apologize for the slow update. Honestly I was just watching how well is my story rising; and it's quite upsetting sometimes. I know I can't just force anyone into reading everything I write, but yeah. The first chapter has over 200 reads right now and chapter 20 had like 40 or so.... still, I really wanna thank everybody who's supporting. ~

~ Suggestions are still open in case you'd like to take part in one of the chapters ~

George's POV;

I really enjoyed Dream's affection towards me, he's just the sweetest man ever. Even though he looks like this big bad dog, he can be a gentle puppy.

I remember falling asleep on top of him, and he didn't even mind.


After I woke up, he helped me with everything. We got breakfast together, showered together, you name it.

But not everything has plans to go so nicely.

When we were in the living room, Ranboo stood at the front door, sometimes nervousely walking around and peeking through a window.

"George, maybe you should be aware of any upcoming events.." Tubbo said and kept looking at Ranboo all the time.

I didn't understand. Whatever was going on in that man's head, it must've affected others too. And I believe it should affect me too. Dream just sat there next to me, beginning to shiver and getting more aware of what's happening in this house, or basically around us. Around me.

Then suddenly, some people broke in. Instinctively I hid behind Dream and watched. Ranboo was at the side of the door, watching in terror. You could see regret and fear in his eyes. He wasn't the only one to be so shocked though. Tommy and Tubbo kept looking from Ranboo to the people who broke in, to us and then back to Ranboo.

I swear I heard him whisper.

"Why didn't you believe me?.."

The group then tried to kidnap me. I ram as fast as I could to some more far away safety while Dream held them off. Eventually Schlatt and..I believe Jack, as I heard, rushed into aid. They started to lose this hold-off quite quickly so others had to step in too.

"What's your problem?!" Dream yelled at the group when they calmed down a bit to regain energy.

"The last omega! That's the problem! You have it and you're required to give it in to the government so they don't die too!"

What.. I was the last now..?
Terrible thoughts started running in my head like water in a river. The thought that my always so caring mother was dead, along with many of my other friends, was heartbreaking. The thought that somebody was actually able to take in the strenght to kill such a defenseless creature such as an omega, was even worse. And now I was the last one of them all. I was here alone in the world of heartless criminals that got no punishment for killing out a rank. The omegas were, by me, the most important, because we're mostly made to care for children. Basic tasks like cleaning and ect. could do everyone, but birthgivers were mostly omegas. Betas could have children too, but they would never make out a rank different than beta. Alphas are often way too dominant to even decide which one of the alpha pair will carry the children. It's also quite dangerous for them. The gammas and deltas are barely birthgivers, they're basically just normal ranks like betas but with a few benefits.

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