~ Chapter 2 ~

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~ Slavery ~

TW: a bit of abuse; the warnings are gonna be in ** and announced in thick letters.

3rd person POV;

Clay was standing barefoot in the warm sand, looking at the masterpiece they have just won for themself. He snickered at the thought of the small brunette trying his best to struggle out of his strong grip.

Proudly watching his crew members start to gather any fruit, collecting seeds and chopping down some trees, Clay's thoughts were interrupted by a weird noice.

Dream's POV;

I was so proud of myself as I never have been before. Something about winning against this crew made me feel stronger.
However I was rudely disturbed by some sound which semt like a stomach rumble.

"The hiyack?" I took a look around.
I then set my gaze to the small brunette which I have tied to one of the trees so nicely. His head was down and he was breathing very lightly, almost making it seem like he was dead.

I came to him and got on my knees....

George's POV;

I was so hungry.. weak... I couldn't do anything else than to sit under a tree, being tied to it and sob my soul out. My stomach let me know it was really angry at me, so it growled loudly. The blonde turned to me and checked, then came over..

"That was you?" he asked.
"Wow..good guess mister quiz master..."
To be honest, I didn't have the nerve to speak to him at the moment. He noticed it and took my chin, making me look up.

*slight abuse ahead, you can skip*

"Say you give up..." he whispered. I shook my head and let it drop back to my chest.


I immediately got slapped by him for not saying what he wanted me to say.

"SAY you give up." He was getting angrier. I resisted and kept my mouth shut.


He didn't have to slap me again..... it really hurted this time..

Dream's POV;

I demanded for the brunette to say he gives up. After two chances and two slaps which I gave him, I got up and walked away. A part of me felt a little bad..just a tiny bit bad. I looked over my shoulder while walking to the ship, seeing him sob and shiver from being weakened.

"Blade, how's it going." I said when I stood next to the braided dude.
"Actually, pretty well. The new slaves are working well." Blade answered my question.

I stood there, watching. Just watching. Nothing was on my mind at all until he had to punch my arm to make me snap out of it.

"They're asking for food." he said.
"Poor them, let them pay for their acts at least today. Then give small amounts and leave them be for another two days at least." Wow. I was mean a lot at that point.

The brunette semt to hear it and all my ears could focus on later were his sobs. Was it that tragic? I guess he..might have a few benefits in the near future. What?! No benefist! He's not that special and he looks weak. He'd just be a waste of food. We need only the strongest.....

George's POV;

All this was too much pressure for me. I tried to at least let him know a bit by letting my emotions take over as I started to silently cry.

Nope..not a single sign of being more gentle to us. Except.. benefits? For me? Uh oh.. hopefully I won't get into things too deep. We're still enemies afterall, and I need to do everything to cut that man's throat.....

Negative thoughts were filling my head to where I, at one point, felt like ending my whole life. I tried to struggle out of the rope but nothing was going right.
God.. just end my suffering...


I fell asleep while crying which resulted in my eyelashes being nearly glued together. My red eyes scanned my surroundings.. where was I?
I slightly panicked as the nature was no longer around me.

Then again, I saw the blonde. I already hated him so much just coming closer to me.

He sat in the chair that was made just for him and him and HIM ONLY, swung his leg over the side of it and stared at me with a slowly growing smirk on his face.

"What...." I said, tired and annoyed.
"We could give this a try, brat boy.." he smirked. What was he thinking about himself? He's no boss of mine to constantly hop around me, telling me what should change and what should I do!

"So what is your name, shorty?"
"I'm not short!!" I yelled at him, wanting to bite anything off his damn skin.
"..George. My name is George." My eyes closed, not wanting to look at him.
"Well George, my name is Clay. But I also go by Dream. If you cooperate with me, we could go out well." He started to bounce his swung over leg a bit to shake some feelings out of himself.
"I will never cooperate with you.. one day I'm gonna cut your neck and then we'll see who's gonna beg for mercy next..."
I don't know what felt so hilarious to him to start laughing.

Dream's POV;

His words made me smirk, then I revealed my teeth a little and bursted out laughing. How was this small man ever gonna overpower me? You could see the anger build up in him. In his eyes there was an unbelievably large need to stab me several times and yell himself out.

"Make out with me.. and you will have some good benefits." was my suggestion.
Looking at him, he seemed..into it. But also very scared, probably not yet planning to let someone take his childhood away.
For a while, there was silence. Then I heard weird tapping noices.. he started getting so nervous that his feet were uncontrollably shivering, making the noise. I could see he was trying to shake his head, but it was barely visible through that shivering. My plan was to try and convince him. This boy would maybe be good afterall....

Heavy breaths left his body when I took my pirate coat and shirt off, leaving me just in my pants and shoes. I just stood there watching him peek at me ever so often.

"Getting excited yet?" I teased him.
He just tried to hide himself. I think at that moment he wished to be gone out of the world. Walking around the chair he was sitting on, I caught in lots of details his body revealed to me. Perhaps he was actually excited...? Oh yankeedankee. I probably shouldn't tease like that. Afterall my body was good enough even for guys to fall for it.

Putting my clothes back on, I left George in the small room to calm down. Would he even calm down though?

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