~ Chapter 23 ~

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~ The chase to end them off ~

Dream's POV;

It was strange. A week, nearly two passed and we still weren't able to start a family. Either there was an issue with the evolution, which would be better in this case, or there was an issue in us. Though I don't think I'd be somewhat "broken" as I sometimes hear the government say. I did fertility tests and they were just fine.. Was there a problem with George then?

The time was running short and I got more worried by the hour. I don't even know what I was worried about since they clearly said we're allowed to take as much time as we need. I guess it was just a feeling that made me think he'd be away from me if I didn't make him pups. And now that's exactly what was happening. No matter how hard I tried, how much he did to help the chances, it never worked out.

And then I felt a stab at my leg.


"Dream?!" George turned to me all shocked. I pulled the dart with needle out of my skin. It had a bit of my blood on it and it clearly left something in me.

"George..this looks like they want to kill me... if I die here in a while, try your best to save your kind..." I told him as I laid onto my side and rested in case these were my last moments.

He started to panic and look around. He must've been trying to search for the source of the shot to avoid it if someone shot again.


My world went dark and limp. I couldn't feel anything anymore.


George's POV;

I stayed with Dream the whole time 'since he got shot. I hoped it wasn't something to kill him, but my hopes dropped so much when I saw him not moving and barely breathing.

This made me really worried and I was just on the verge of crying out to anybody. I felt alone like in a hall of pure danger.


After some time that felt like an eternity, I felt Dream move under my body. Quickly, I sat up to not see my usual Dream. This one was all black with fur ends colored in toxic green which glowed. He groaned and started getting up...

"Oh George.. I don't think we're trying hard enough just yet," escaped his mouth. What does he mean we're "not trying hard enough"??

"Dream..I..w-what are you doing.. h-hey! Don't come to me! Dream you're scaring me..! Dream!" And I took off.

He chased me to somewhere where I knew nothing about. All that mattered to me at the moment was just to keep finding ways and exits from this..mindless Dream..NOT monster.


Tiredness was slowly getting to me, but I knew I couldn't stop or else it would be my end. It felt like he was getting faster by the second, growing more determined of doing whatever he plans on doing to me.

Now we were running through some kind of factory. Who would've thought? The government had way more hidden under the ground than what shown on top it.

The barely stable metal boards as a kind of floor kept making banging noices with each rushed step we took, several different machines let out smoke and heat and the workers were at this point working with hot iron. It's like I was with a bunch of blacksmiths, except in somewhere nowhere, in an anxiously tight hallway to run through, with a mindless beast chasing after me.

"Wait! Don't go there!" Suddenly I heard the workers yell. They began to chase us, which scared me even more. I ran even faster..


The long, tight hall was finally coming to an end. Daylight was getting brighter and brighter as I ran. I'd be safe now..

"DON'T!" A bunch of people yelled at me at once. I didn't understand, what was so wrong?-

Right when I entered the "daylight", I couldn't move my body. I tried to look, but my mind went dark. For some reason I couldn't do anything.

Dream's POV;

Terror filled my veins when I saw George turn into a stone statue. All the workers nearby were praying to god or mourning that they let the last omega die.

"This is the end of us!" One of them yelled out and they all started to agree with him.

"There has to be a way to get him back!" I yelled back as I, myself, worried that he was already dead.

"It's way too risky, the light turns anything alive into stone!"

When I say I'm not giving up..it means I'm NOT GIVING UP!

I reached out for the nearest pipe and pulled George out of the light.

"Come on come on come on come on.." I said to myself quietly as I touched the statue of my lover. Nothing. He still had the same shocked expression that he turned to stone with.

Then he started to slowly turn back.

Everyone watched with disbelief - it's as if they never tried to do this, and mostly, never saw this happen. Maybe they tried, but it might've just been George to get back to life.

He fainted into my arms and dust fell out of his hair. I brushed some of it off of him so he doesn't inhale it that much later. My caring for him got interrupted by security. They took him from me and put handcuffs on my hands.

"You're gonna spend some time isolated from him now. Do you know how dangerous this is?!" the man yelled at me and pushed me back. At that, Gogy stretched out his arm and blocked the security guy's another movements towards me; afterall, they're not allowed to even try and harm the last omega.

"He saved my life. Let him be. I want to go back to our room with him. And I want explainings on what the shooting at him was supposed to mean!" He did an angry stomp and (not so) surprisingly, the guy listened and lead us back. Gogy was cute like this..he must've realised what he did in front of me and flushed redder and redder every second.


"You scared me shitless over there, George.." I told him once we had our privacy.

"Well you chased me through somewhere unfamiliar like a maniac!" So angry.

"I'm sorry... I just.. I really got the urge to... y'know..you... eh.." I tried not to make it too clear but just ended up screwing it even more. He was looking at me with confusion and many questions in his eyes, trying to answer himself.

"Please don't scare me the next time you want to..cough..me.." he said and looked away from my stare for a bit. He was flushing red from my words and I believe I might've as well been too. Though, I believed both of us knew what would come. The weird force that got shot into me started to take over again, getting closer......

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