~ Chapter 14 ~

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~ Small but fierce ~

~ There's some angry Gogy here, just a small warning in case you don't like mild fighting. Skip where Dream says Schlatt ~


Dream's POV;

I woke up all calmed down but really happy. I had my Gogy back with me. I'd have to protect him better this time.

I stretched myself and scooped him up, not wanting to let go. For once he was nicely warm. He groaned quietly and curled up into my chest.

That's so hot omg
Omg don't go away
Don't wake him up

He stirred a bit and opened his eyes, blinking away the sleepiness. Then he realised what happened and shot himself away from me.

"Gah! S-Sorry I- I didn't realise. Sorry.." it was adorable to see him flustered.
"It's okay Gogy, you were adorable," I told him and winked, which clearly made him more flustered.

"Aw, Gogy, are you shy?" He looked me dead in the eyes and got up from my bed to change. Escaping my perviness was probably his only goal right now. I sighed to myself when he left the room. I also noticed myself staring at his bootay. It was..so awesome...round and squishy.. DAMN IT NOT AGAIN!

I also got up and changed, about to enjoy my free day with him. Only us two, all alone, somewhere nice.

I got downstairs into the kitchen and-


Laughter. I bursted out laughing, also starting to cry after a little bit. Schlatt was trying to enjoy his coffee but Gogy had other plans.

He had his small fierce body on the table, making out young female growls and lightly snapping at him with every move.

"The fuck? Why does everything always have to get fucked when I'm involved? Damn it let me get my coffee!" He was yelling and Gogy still wouldn't let him. Oh Schlatt, you're not getting that coffee.

"Gogyyy... come on you pup.. let him have it," I said after I calmed my laughter. He let out a growl and defended the cup with his life.

"Damn it!! Don't let me rip you in half!" Schlatt yelled at him, obviously furious he can't have his coffee before it gets cold.

"Schlatt you touch him and I'll do the same to you, fucking got it?" I threatened. Just so he doesn't think he can touch my Gogy.

Eventually Gogs calmed down and let him get the coffee. But he was still visibly furious over it, for what reason?

"Ay, Dream, the motherly instincts are really kicking into him. You should be prepared for anything that might come," said Phil, watching from afar.

Is it time for pups? Oh lord, I'm not sure if I'm ready..
It'll be his heat?? How am I gonna control myself?

I snapped out of the thoughts about Gogy's heat coming up and the possibility of pups when I saw Phil talking to him. He walked him out of the kitchen and I swear I could hear him mention mood changes, more sensitive smell, strong hunger and nesting. Wow, an omega's life is quite complicated during heat. I never thought of it, I also never really met up with an actual omega. They separated us into rank schools to prevent teen pregnancies and any unwanted pairing, which were the most common things. It was also better for all of us because we could learn about our own rank more and not have mixed education with the others.

Flashback to Dream's Alpha-only school;

"..and so when the time comes, you will be prepared to mate your omega."
All about mating the specific low rank. Damn it, I'm a gamer, I don't care about some family with a needy slut. This was really getting on my nerves, mostly that one teacher who always mentioned it, but at least I knew what will happen with my body when I'm in contact with an in-heat omega.

It was weird to hear something like that. All the boys in my class were making fun of it, but I actually took it quite seriously and became a little worried sometimes. I didn't want to hurt somebody that was rank-shamed all their life with no possibility to defend themself at all. I did say I don't care about a family, but this was wrong.

Just when I heard about the strong, sudden connection between an alpha and in-heat omega, it felt like a nightmare. Who would want to have a throbbing boner?! And damn it, KNOTS.

Thanks god they assured us to get us ready for the events and future. Hopefully this will be at least a little worth it.

~Flashback ends~
Just before I knew it, I couldn't find those tsaawo anywhere. Phil wouldn't take him, right?

I ran through the halls, panicked abut what's happening, looking anywhere and everywhere to where could he take him. Damn it damn it damn it damn it!

What is this feeling.....? I was so attached now, was it the bonding that they taught us about?

"Gogs? Phil? Hey, where did you go?" I went faster and became more worried. He isn't actually gone, right?!

I ran into his room..

"Hey, good job, you're getting a good hold of this," Phil told Gogs while he was making..a nest?

"You scared me, what's this about?"
"He's making a nest, it often helps omegas with heat. For them it symbolizes a safe place to be in when they feel like they're in danger."

At least somebody knew about this. I would be lost without Philza, he helped me a lot with things I didn't really understand. And now that we had a small guest here, I wouldn't be too reckless for him and there wouldn't be anything too wrong with how I act towards him.

"Dream, we also have quite a few things to talk about, but I won't stress you today. Spend some time with him if you want, but when he's uncomfortable, leave," he said strictly and left us behind.

Merry Christmas times guys!! I had no idea at all what to fill this chapter with, so the next one is possibly gonna be longer and fluffy! I plan on making more chapters during Christmas holidays, so yeah. Hopefully you'll enjoy them, suggestions are always welcome if you'd like to see something here

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