~ Chapter 15 ~

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~ Ruined alone time ~

~ Shower scenes, skip where Gogs goes into the bathroom if you want ~

George's POV;

It was confusing me - why did I became so overprotective..of a cup..? Luckily Phil reassured me it was a normal behavior change and helped me with things. I also got to make my own nest which felt really good.

I didn't want to wake up, but all the thinking about yesterday's evening got me on my feet. Shame to leave the warm blankets.

I went into the bathroom to get the day started.. when suddenly somebody pulled me into the showering corner.

"I was here before you, it's rude to disturb somebody who's taking a shower.." the person said to me with their hands wrapped around. Awh fuck it, it was Dream.

"He- I-" all I could do was stutter. He started taking my clothes off and ran his hands over my body. It felt good.. but I was also scared....

"You're beautiful.. don't hide under large-sized clothes, Gogy.. nobody will judge you. And if they will, I'll make sure they won't stay alive 'til the next day.." he said and pressed himself closer to me.

"Ah- D-Dream-!"

Oh god. He grabbed my manhood. His hand was suddenly so big and I felt submissive.

"Gogy...." he whispered into my ear, gently biting it. It was a stunning and awesome moment, I didn't want it to end. I could feel he was dancing with me a little and his own manhood pressed against my back. Lucky being short.

"Dream.. I.. n-not...I.."
"Don't be scared.. you can go," and with that he gave me a kiss on my neck. The breeze that ran over my back was arousing.

Did he really just leave me here? He's kidding, I'll rip him in half once he's in my hands..!

I dried myself and got out, angrily looking for him. I swear to god he's always magically gone when you want him the most.

"Heeyy Geeoorrgeee..." he sang and made his way over to me with his classic horse killers.

"There you are! I'll- I'm-!" He put his hand over my mouth and pressed himself close.

"You speak too much~ come on, dress up and we're going out. I want to take you somewhere," and boom he was gone again.

I wonder where he's gonna take me? Will he kidnap me.. will he rape me? I'm not sure if I should trust him, should I ask somebody to follow us? That would feel weird, but I'm just so unsure. Yeah, I should probably ask somebody.. I-

"Dream!" I yelled at him while he was pulling me outside. Immediately the cold winter wind hit me and I started to shiver like crazy.

He took the opportunity to gain my love towards him and put his coat over me. For me, it was long and heavy, but nicely warming. I gladly accepted it and put it on, flapped the long sleeves a little and followed Dream wherever he went. I didn't plan on staying behind, even though I wasn't very sure with this.


"Open your eyes now, Gogy," Dream said when we finally slowed down to a stop. It felt like we walked miles far, so I was happy to stop walking. I slowly opened my eyes, quite ready for whatever possible torture was to come. Instead I was met with a beautiful sunset and nice view. Amazed, I just stared at the beauty of nature's magic.

"It..it's stunning.." I said quietly and felt him smile. He walked me to a bench and we took a seat on it close to each other for extra warmth.

"Hold the horses.. this doesn't feel right," he said and started nervousely looking around. This was exactly what I feared. I pressed myself into his side and watched the situation..

"Hello again, Dream. Pleasant surprise," said the mysterious voice from somewhere..nowhere.

"I don't have the mood for this, leave us before I break the peace." Those words stung leaving his mouth. This worried me. I tried to calm him down before he would actually hurt somebody, but it seems to not have taken any effect on him.

"Get them!" Immediately Dream turned into a wolf and got ready to fight.

This is the end. They will kidnap me and take me away. I haven't been with Dream for a day and I'm already getting taken from him. They will get somebody to mark me and eventually I'll serve as a slave to somebody I don't know.

Bites. Growls. Rips and whines.

Before I was done overthinking, the shadow animal had won the so unfair fight against a whole bunch of others. He didn't forget to not leave out the "winner growl" either.

"Better fucking back off before you decide to mess with somebody like ME!" His voice was deeper and scarier, but it made me get a light tint of pink on my face. I found him hot like this.

"They didn't do anything to you, right? Did one of them touch you with their filthy hands?" he was asking me worriedly. I reassured him that I remained untouched. He let out a relieved sigh and bit the fur behind my neck, picking me up and carrying me back to the mansion.


Dream's POV;

I carried George back home worried sick. Just a minute ago, I was so busy with fighting off the known, insolent wolves, that I couldn't keep track of him. I just hoped he wouldn't get kidnapped by one.

Luckily enough, he didn't, and we were immediately on our way away from that place. Damn it and I thought I would give him a romantic time.

It started snowing heavily when we were a while away from the mansion. I hurried up my pace to not get him too cold and wet. Afterall, that was my job.

"Dream.. can you please do me a favor.." he asked me, still slightly terrified from the incident.

"What's the matter?"

"Please help me take care of myself during heat.. I'll need it.. the last time I was in heat I suffered alone in a hole underground to stay away from the unwanted."

"..this is a little..a lot for me to take in, perhaps... are you sure you feel good with me taking care of you? I don't want you to feel horrible, but on the other hand I wouldn't want to hurt you. I don't mind it, but here, I don't matter. It's you who matters and I want you to stay as comfortable as you can be."

"I'm sure this is the right choice, Dream. I'll also make sure to let you know if you're going too far."

Oh. My god. I would actually take care of an in-heat omega? And Gogy? It felt like a dream to me. Ever since he said he was sure about this, I grew determined to do anything and help him with everything. I felt like the big caring dad of an adorable little baby girl. I suddenly wanted to start this caring process way sooner than it would actually kick in. I was an excited kid about to get the present they've always wanted.

Though, there was a negative side of this too. I could lose control of my body and mate him without consent. He could them hate me forever and run away, kill my children and then himself. No, I can't think of this. He will warn me if he doesn't want something.

I will take the best care of him possible. And I promise it will all be worth it.

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