~ Chapter 20 ~

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~ Ranboo's visions ~

~ Alr, chapter 20. This one might as well be longer. Contains smut! ~


Dream's POV;

I laid close to George all the time. He was still sleeping so I stayed quiet. Sometimes he would make these kind of squeaky noices and I'd almost freak out from the cuteness. But just when I started feeling a little hazy, he began to wake up.

His body was shivering; he must've known I was there..

"George.." I said quietly and tried not to seem like a threat to him.

He had completely different plans. He grabbed onto my hoodie and pulled me in, kissing me quite deeply. Well, I can't say I didn't enjoy this, but I was afraid for him. Oh well, this time I will keep track of myself. Hopefully.

I kissed back and the whole world around us seemed to disappear. It was just me and George, having our heated moment.

Oh lord, he tugged on my clothes. I didn't really know what he was trying to do and just let it slide. And then I figured out he might want to try this..again?

I stuck with the ongoing plan and gently snuck my hands under his shirt, pulling it over his head. He might've gotten the hint that I'm not refusing to stick along with it and unbuckled my belt. That was so hot..

He cupped my cheeks into his soft hands and let me take off his clothes while we were making out. He was really warm when I touched his stomach, it was making me quite horny..

No words were spoken. That's exactly what made this even better. George was and would be able to speak up if he didn't like something, but he was as quiet and a mouse. He kept focused on my lips. He knew this would go to where it was originally planned to. And damn, was he ready for it.

"I would make you pups, George. But I'm not sure you'd want that." I remained calm and gentle while I spoke to him. He hugged me and licked my neck, probably buying himself time to process what I said and what he wanted. I did the same and just watched as he got goosebumps; I might've went over a more sensitive spot.

"Dream.." he said quietly and lightly dug his fingers into my back.

"Clay.. you can call me Clay."


I sucked on his skin a bit. He leaned into me more and held me close tightly. Let's get this party going.

He then got up from my lap a bit and pulled my boxers down. It was cute to see him all shy (and now also naked), looking at my stretched clothing. When he was just enough low with them, I grabbed my hardened Clay jr. and held it in case he'd get shocked.

"Oh god damn it.." he said when I let go of it. A bunch of deep red blush appeared on his cheeks as he tried to cover the neediness for jr.

I didn't speak back, just a small smirk tugged on the corner of my lips. Slowly, I pulled him back, gently rubbing the tip over his privacy. He stood still and enjoyed.

"Clay!" he yelled out when I sat him on it. I put my other hand over his mouth and shushed him so nobody would suspect a thing. He had his eyes shut tight and shivered in pain. Finally this type of contact..

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