~ Chapter 13 ~

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~ Imprison the mighty ~

••••• "drug" mention, skip Gogy's 2nd POV part if uncomfortable •••••

George's POV;

They were treating me like a king for the past...how long have I even been here? Two weeks definitely. I felt pretty lonely without all the boys and their stupid dad jokes.. I wonder how they're doing without me. Is it good that I'm not with them? They definitely have more breaks now that I'm not there, waiting to be babysitted.

Instead, I'm waiting to be babysitted in here. I live in a damn royalty-like flat that could be getting compared to the mafia's mansion, being fed almost drugs to stay strong and not let the omega rank die out even more than it is now. This makes me feel even worse than starving with friends though.

Even if I had anything I wanted, it still didn't feel good. Don't get me wrong, I'm not spoiled or anything, but the company of others is lacking here. Sometimes I would cry because of how much I wanted to at least know about Dream...


"Sir George? Are you alright?" one of the maids asked me behind the door. She was a kind, small beta which they'd always send up to get me into the dining room or just to check on me. This time, it was different.

"Yeah.. I guess I'm fine.." I told her but still didn't get up to open the door. She quietly peeked and then got inside, walking to the sofa I was laying on.

"You seem like you healed very well, so we thought you'd be ready to get some company," she said and did her usual, tiny giggle. Company? I don't want anyone else than my friends. Let me go home.

"Um.. yeah, sure. I feel better and the scar is nearly invisible now, company wouldn't be bad." I just hoped my heat wouldn't kick in if the companion was an alpha.

"Of course we'll do anything for it to heal completely, you won't even know you've been severely hurt. And neither will it leave that mark on your body. Now, come on, they're waiting for you!" She spun and lead me to the usual spot. They?

When we were all the way down in the main room, there was a bunch of people standing in a line. Were they those who I was supposed to meet?

I got a bit anxious and my tail went between my legs. My care-taking doctor gave me a pat and assured me they, and a high-level security, are there in case something goes wrong.

I looked them over as they just stood there in a line. One of the tallest ones semt to have been unable of holding his excitement inside and his tail wagged like crazy. Wait, that figure.. I recognize this man! It's Dream!

"We invited these men over in case you'd like to be freed. We believe they're just the best they can be, so they can take good care of you if you're interested," he told me, but I didn't care about the others. I only cared about Dream being there, looking at me like an excited puppy, and honestly, I don't blame him - I was completely the same.

The care-takers stepped back to watch the situation. Would it turn into a disaster? Would the others want to take me from Dream?

As the so long seconds went by, they eventually started to approach me. This was a really weird feeling, it was like I was about to get beaten up.

They tried to introduce themselves to me, but one of the others would just snap at them and push them aside, letting this whole thing turn into an almost fight.

As they were busy with showing off how much better they are than the others, that only they should have me, Dream sneakingly got close to me and hugged me tightly. This is heaven..

"Oh Gogy... I missed you so much.. I-I mean..we all missed you a lot," he let out a shy, embarassed laugh and let me go. I was looking up at him, all happy, just enjoying his presence. We held hands and wagged our tails, clearly being made for each other. I'm going home today..

I went in for another hug and started to release happy pheromones, making sure that I didn't seem like I wasn't interested in my alpha.

"Calm down now everybody!" my care-taker half-yelled to stop the fights. They turned to face him but automatically got shot with a glance of me and Dream in a tight hug. If the rage in the air here was a Karen, it would be the absolute queen of all smaller Karens.

We both let out a quiet giggle and I let myself lean into him more. I was comfortable with my choice, and also extremely glad he was here to see me.

"George, are you comfortable with this one?" I got asked. Of course I was comfortable.

"I'm ready to go home."


I had my bags packed and we were ready to go. I thanked everyone for the care and told them I would come back any time I wouldn't feel safe in my "new" home.

We walked out of the tall luxury building and made our way over to Dream's car. He was a gentleman and opened the passenger seat for me. I giggled and sat in, excitedly waiting to get into the mansion. He sat into the driver's seat and gave me a smile, starting the engine and driving off.


"Welcome back home, Gogy," he said and turned the engine off. I felt a little sleepy but not enough to even dare to sleep in the car just when I was getting back.

"I missed this place.." I said and walked to the door, about to open it. But Dream was a bit faster and he opened it for me.

"I hope you still recognize this place, we made a few changes while you were gone," he let out a quiet laugh. It did look a bit different, but not enough for me to get completely lost in here.

"Oh and... Gogy.." I didn't really like where this was going.

"I'm not sure if you can somewhat forgive me for what I've done.. but please at least know I'm really sorry.. it was all my fault." I came over to him and hugged him.

"It's alright, Dream.. I forgive you.. I wouldn't forgive you though if you weren't there to pick me up, that would make me really upset. I'll be more careful so you don't hurt me in situations like before, okay? Don't blame yourself."

He still looked like he was blaming himself inside, but at least now it was less than before. He hugged me again and helped me with my stuff, getting me settled back in with them.

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