~ Chapter 3 ~

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~ Panic attack ~

~ the pictures you see in the chapters are not mine, authors are over the internet. ~
TW: **panic attack**

The next day..

George's POV;

I woke up no longer inside the boat, but on a tree swing bed. Rolling over to my side, I had to squint because of the rising sun. Instantly, my mind flooded with bad memories.

The way it hurted, the way he was looking at me like he wanted to kill me right at the place.. his strong hand twice landing on my cheek made me regret everything. It brought up past pain which I received, and now I had it again.

I started to shiver a lot on the simple swinging bed, causing me to nearly fall from it. My head hurted. That was when I realised I'm showing off my omega side. Terrified, I hid my ears with my hands and wrapped my tail around my body. My breathing was fast and heavy and I could feel myself losing the ability to stay in this world. Then I saw the tall blonde's shadow..

Dream's POV;

I was making sure everything went as I expected it to. I had a nice breakfast and felt refreshed to watch the enemy side work on upgrading my babe. My boat. Then it hit me from the back - what's wrong? I turned around and my wolf ears rose in attempt to hear the sounds better. Eventually I caught the source of the waves - the small brit.. Unsure of why, my heart kinda softened at the sight of his weakened body trembling. My mind, however, said otherwise. For once I ignored it and went after what the heart said. Not wanting to make the situation worse than it already was, I slowly approached him. It seems he had noticed my shadow and tried to hide himself. I walked over to him and studied for a while.. gosh! He's having a panic attack!? I quickly started to look around for anyone who wouldn't be too busy with work, but everyone I saw were either my boys or exhausted enemies. Luckily for me, and the brit probably too, one of them noticed us and rushed over.

"GEORGE!" the running crow man yelled out to try and catch his attention. He was too shocked to do anything.
"What did you do?!" I could see the anger in his eyes.
"I tried to help him! I came here and he was shaking like crazy! I'm positive this is a panic attack." was my response.

He shot me a glare before turning to the..small wolf. He took him off the swinging tree bed and held him in his embrace tightly. I was once again feeling weak 'cause of how my heart looked at the situation. I wanted to help, but how?

"Can I somehow help?" I asked the crow, it seems he ignored my question or was too mad at me to answer it. A few seconds later after the tight hug got to George, he started to stutter quietly.
"Shh Gogy, I'm here." 'Gogy'? Gosh that's cute for him...

A minute or two passed and he was resting into the crow's arms. Still probably terrified to death, but so cute and peaceful. Oh my instincts. Stop >:(

George's POV;

Another moments of pain and suffering. I was so lucky I had Phil near so he was able to help me. Although I felt slightly embarassed, I was extremely glad I could grip onto someone I trust and quietly cry into their arms. He was like a good dad to me and anyone. Better than my parents. The thought of my parents got me to shiver again. I quietly whispered to Phil if we couldn't perhaps go somewhere into peace. I was just too scared of the world now.


I woke up to sounds of many feet walking over "The Babe"'s small wooden bridge. Looking around, I notice I'm not in the other captain's room, but rather in a prison-like room with beds and bedside tables. I see Phil on a bed next to where I was sleeping, he was shooting me worried glances. They must be going to lunch. My stomach started to get angry at me at the thoughts of food..so hungry...

A few minutes later of talking with him, the blonde came into the prisoner room and interrupted out chit-chat.
"How are you feeling, George?" he asked me and sat on the opposite bed. I instantly started to fear things again and moved to Phil. He hugged me and patted my back. It seems Dream noticed I was afraid, you could see the softness in his eyes. He sighed and left, leaving behind a wooden plate with fish meat.

Seems like I have spaced out. I came back to reality with Phil's nudges.
"Geeooorrge.. do you want to eat?"
I shook my head, "I'm not hungry.."
The truth is, I felt like starving. But I wanted him to stay here in case I don't make it. I gave him a signal that he can take it instead and he did. Grateful for my kindness, he snacked on the fish meat....

Dream's POV;

Lil' wolf.. he refused my offer for food. What a mistake.. he should've taken it. To be honest, I planned that this would be one of his only meals he'd be allowed to consume. Just because he was shorter and weaker than me didn't mean I'd be a gentle giant to him. I walked out of the 'prison' room and joined my crew back in eating. Schlatt was tilting his head from side to side, so I asked him what's on his mind.
"Captain.. this pez (fish) smells..like vanilla?" He was looking at it confusedly. I sniffed around and it hit me too - a vanilla scent. Was it the fish though? I don't think so.. and then things hit me again. Oh lord.
"Uhm.. I think one of the captures is getting into heat.."

Silence. The guys in the circle shot each other glares of confusion. I started to get a bit nervous at the thought that there would be a capture in heat, even though it didn't matter to me that much. Except if it would be the brit tho. That mattered to me a lot. Wait, what? Why?! Damn it. I slapped myself in my mind and swallowed the last bit of my food.

Ever since the morning, I felt like I was stuck to him. I suddenly had the urge to kill anyone who would break a hair on his head. Why am I so overprotective now? Oh right.. my alpha instincts. Lil' wolf must be an omega. Those are rare to be male.. most of the omega community is female.. If he is an omega, I must keep him safe no matter what. And if he's still unmated, it'll be me who will take the pride of making him mine. Only mine.

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